Side Project OS

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/side-project-os
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Bring your side project to life in Notion
The ultimate operating system to help you bring your side projects to life.

✔️ 30 unique modules
✔️ Task management
✔️ User feedback
✔️ MVP
✔️ Deal pipeline and content hub
A space to finally act on those ideas that are filling your notebooks!
🎁 30% off
Featured 7h ago
Have you used Side Project OS?
Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur
Great for early product development process, Congrats!
Notion ambassador🧑🏽‍💻 Side Project OS 🚀
@payam_saremi Thanks - certainly is! Also helps to keep you on track as you move through different cycles of the product.
illustrations & visualisation platform
Great product!! Absolutely in love with all the different modules, will be very helpful for managing everything that comes with starting a side project. Congrats ✨
Notion ambassador🧑🏽‍💻 Side Project OS 🚀
Building one cool product every month
This is interesting. Congrats on the launch.
Notion ambassador🧑🏽‍💻 Side Project OS 🚀
Brand enthusiast and product designer
Much needed product!! Creator economy is all about creating new products each day and trying ideas that might generate a strong revenue stream for them!! Congrats on the launch!! 🚀🚀
Notion ambassador🧑🏽‍💻 Side Project OS 🚀
@worklab Thank Deepak appreciate it! I 100% agree with your take on the creator economy 🚀
Notion ambassador🧑🏽‍💻 Side Project OS 🚀

👋 Hey Product Hunt

Very excited to share Side Project OS. I've been working on this space for the past few months to serve as the ultimate operating system to help you bring your side projects to life.

What's included in the OS:

✔️ 30 unique modules to help you ideate, plan, manage and track your side projects ✔️ 8 strategy modules to help you frame your problem, market, solution and strategy ✔️ Task management module ✔️ Track user feedback and feature requests ✔️ Content hub to help you plan and manage content ✔️ Deal pipeline to track, manage and close deals. ✔️ A dedicated module to store all your resources and documentation. ✔️ Monthly review templates to reflect on your progress ✔️ Dedicated MVP module ✔️ Module to track finances and subscriptions ✔️ Module to visualise branding assets

Who is this template for?

This OS is an operating system to structure, store and organise your ideas, frameworks, tasks, conversations and resources in one place.

This is not a guide on how to market, launch, sell or grow your project That's where you come in! You're the unique value add. This OS is just to make sure the cogs keep turning.

👉🏼 Jump over to Gumroad to find a full product description

🎉 Use 'SIDE' at checkout to take 30% off already discounted prices!

💬 I'll be around all day so drop any questions/comments here or send me a dm on Twitter.

🚀 Let's get these side projects off the ground!

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK