[WATCH] In 2020, We Added Over 1.7 Million Customers (20% from Africa) – A Chat...

 2 years ago
source link: https://bitcoinke.io/2021/06/a-chat-with-jukka-chief-marketing-officer-localbitcoins/
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[WATCH] In 2020, We Added Over 1.7 Million Customers (20% from Africa) – A Chat with Jukka – Chief Marketing Officer, LocalBitcoins

June 15, 2021

BitKE, in partnership with Kenyan WallStreet, got to chat with Jukka Blomberg, the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), LocalBitcoins, to discuss the growth of the platform across Africa.

LocalBitcoins is the largest P2P bitcoin marketplace in the world. In 2020, the platform added over 1.7 million customers, out of which, 20% came from Africa.


SEE ALSO[INFOGRAPHIC] We Had a Total Trading Volume of $596M in Q1, 2020 with Kenya Having the Fastest Growth, Says LocalBitcoins


Jukka also offered some interesting stats about the East African market.

“The first LocalBitcoins trade from Kenya was done on December, 2013.”

                     – Chief Marketing Officer, LocalBitcoins

In this discussion, Jukka talks:

  • His early beginnings in the crypto space
  • Working at LocalBitcoins
  • Emerging trends across Africa
  • Emerging trends in Kenya
  • The upcoming revamped LocalBitcoins website
  • The upcoming LocalBitcoins app



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