GitHub - xcodebuild/CodeTerminal: Cross platform terminal app from Visual Studio...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/xcodebuild/CodeTerminal
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CodeTerminal - Cross platform terminal app from Visual Studio Code. | Product Hunt


Standalone terminal from Visual Studio Code.



Highly recommanded to install with homebrew.

brew tap xcodebuild/custom
brew reinstall --no-quarantine --cask codeterminal

部分用户可能需要设置代理,例如 export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://


Download from https://nightly.link/xcodebuild/CodeTerminal/workflows/nightly/main.

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Press menubar CodeTerminal => Preferences => Settings to reveal setting.json in System File Manager. Edit it with your code editor(Visual Studio Code is recommended).

Here is a example:

    "workbench.statusBar.visible": false,
    "workbench.tips.enabled": false,
    "workbench.colorTheme": "Solarized Dark",
    "editor.fontLigatures": true,
    "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 16,
    "editor.fontFamily": "agave Nerd Font Mono"

BTW, you can download agave Nerd Font Mono from here.

Tips for macOS users

打开时如果提示文件已损坏,需要执行 If the prompt file is corrupted when opening, you need to execute

sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/CodeTerminal.app

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