A quick hack to clone a Three.js GLTF scene without re-loading or re-parsing the...

 2 years ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/cdata/f2d7a6ccdec071839bc1954c32595e87
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A quick hack to clone a Three.js GLTF scene without re-loading or re-parsing the source. · GitHub

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A quick hack to clone a Three.js GLTF scene without re-loading or re-parsing the source.

const cloneGltf = (gltf) => { const clone = { animations: gltf.animations, scene: gltf.scene.clone(true) };

const skinnedMeshes = {};

gltf.scene.traverse(node => { if (node.isSkinnedMesh) { skinnedMeshes[node.name] = node; } });

const cloneBones = {}; const cloneSkinnedMeshes = {};

clone.scene.traverse(node => { if (node.isBone) { cloneBones[node.name] = node; }

if (node.isSkinnedMesh) { cloneSkinnedMeshes[node.name] = node; } });

for (let name in skinnedMeshes) { const skinnedMesh = skinnedMeshes[name]; const skeleton = skinnedMesh.skeleton; const cloneSkinnedMesh = cloneSkinnedMeshes[name];

const orderedCloneBones = [];

for (let i = 0; i < skeleton.bones.length; ++i) { const cloneBone = cloneBones[skeleton.bones[i].name]; orderedCloneBones.push(cloneBone); }

cloneSkinnedMesh.bind( new Skeleton(orderedCloneBones, skeleton.boneInverses), cloneSkinnedMesh.matrixWorld); }

return clone; }

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