Switch from the sink to the graphical nodes in a network flow graph

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/switch-from-the-sink-to-the-graphical-nodes-in-a-network-flow-graph.html
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Switch from the sink to the graphical nodes in a network flow graph


I know generally you go from source to sink in a network flow graph, but I know there are specific algorithms to go from the sink to a desired node in a network flow graph (not including the source). Could anybody suggest an algorithm that could do this? It's been a while since I've taken an algorithms class and I'm a little rusty on how to go about this one.

If you want to find a flow from the sink to a vertex A, just set new_source := sink and new_sink = A and run the algorithm of your choice.

Tags algorithm

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