How to store the list of visited nodes in a path on a graph in Prolog

 2 years ago
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How to store the list of visited nodes in a path on a graph in Prolog


I am studying Prolog and I am finding some difficulty interpreting the slide proposed by my professor.

Starting from the classic program that say if exist a path between two node of a graph, this one:


path(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y).

path(X,Y) :- path(X,Z),

He introduce a new version that use the predicate: path(X,Y,Path) that is TRUE if in the graph exist a path between X and Y and if Path is the list of visited nodes

So he give me the following new version of the previous program:

/* BASE CASE: exist an edge between X and Y, so the Path is
              the couple [X,Y]
path(X,Y,[X,Y]) :- edge(X,Y).

path(X,Y,P) :- path(X,Z,P1),

The base case is pretty simple: if exist an edge that connect X and Y it is true that exist a path from X to Y and the list of the visited node is [X,Y]

I have some problems with the second rule: if X and Y are not connect by only a single edge, so that there is a path between X and Y, have to exist a path between X and an other node Z (and P1 is the list of the visited node in this path) an an edge that connect Z to the final node Y.

This is pretty simple...the problem is with the last predicate lastelem/3 that it is not provided in the slide (so I don't know exactly what it do):


I think that it generate P inserting Y in P1 or something like it...

Do you have some more precise idea about it and a possible implementation of this predicate?

There's no need to re-invent the wheel by writing recursive code yourself.

Simply define a binary relation edge/2 ...


... and use the meta-predicate path/4!

?- path(edge,Path,From,To).
  Path = [To]       , From = To
; Path = [a,b]      , From = a, To = b
; Path = [a,b,c]    , From = a, To = c
; Path = [a,b,c,d]  , From = a, To = d
; Path = [a,b,c,d,e], From = a, To = e
; Path = [b,c]      , From = b, To = c
; Path = [b,c,d]    , From = b, To = d
; Path = [b,c,d,e]  , From = b, To = e
; Path = [a,e]      , From = a, To = e
; Path = [c,d]      , From = c, To = d
; Path = [c,d,e]    , From = c, To = e
; Path = [d,e]      , From = d, To = e
; Path = [f,e]      , From = f, To = e
; false.

Tags prolog

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