Top 5 Terra DeFi Protcols Noting Substantial TVL Gains This Week

 2 years ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/top-5-terra-defi-protcols-noting-substantial-tvl-gains-this-week/
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In the past few months, Terra has become one of the top networks for decentralized finance activity. The network represents over $30.6 billion in TVL, and various protocols note substantial TVL increases this week. That is interesting, considering how the markets turned bearish once again. 

PRISM Protocol

The PRISM Protocol on the Terra blockchain attracts attention due to its unusual approach to decentralized finance. Users can split their existing digital assets into yield and principal components, introducing a new level of composability previously inaccessible. Moreover, the DeFi platform represents $514 million in Total Value Locked, increasing by over 21.6% this week. The current bearish market trend doesn’t diminish the protocol’s success. 


Users of Starterra see merit in the gamified launchpad approved with a native lottery and guaranteed allocations. In addition, Starterra supports play-to-earn games and their NFTs, enabling investors to strategize their way into larger allocations and build up a solid portfolio. Although the platform only represents $18.76 million in TVL, it noted an increase of nearly 19% this week. Remarkable growth, although these numbers confirm the diversified nature of decentralized finance. 

Aperture Finance

Cross-chain solutions will play an integral role in the future of decentralized finance. Accessing and using unds and opportunities across multiple networks paves the way for mainstream DeFi adoption. Aperture Finance introduces cross-chain investment solutions and a community-driven marketplace with investment strategies. At nearly $10 million in Total Value Locked, the protocol noted another 16.58% TVL increase. 


Automated Market Makers (AMM) platforms are widely considered to be the enablers of access to decentralized finance. An AMM model powers most decentralized exchanges, giving users broader access to diversified assets and tokens. Astroport aims to position itself as the “meta AMM of Terra”, which is rather interesting. The protocol currently represents $1.69 billion in Total Value Locked, a 10.76% weekly increase. 

Spectrum Protocol

The Spectrum Protocol on Terra is the first and most innovative yield optimizer for the ecosystem. Core features include auto-compound and auto-stake for Mirror and Anchor farm rewards, among other benefits. However, the protocol serves other purposes, indicated by its near $194 million in Total Value Locked. The weekly 10.76% TVL increase confirms people see merit in this protocol. 

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