Problem Accessing JSON Data on This Example

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/problem-accessing-json-data-on-this-example.html
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Problem Accessing JSON Data on This Example


this is a json i have, is valid, but for some reason if I access this query.pages.length is "undefined"... how do i know the numebr of children of pages then? are they children?

             "gapfrom":"Tron (film)"
                "title":"Tron: Betrayal"
                "title":"Tron: Deadly Discs"
                "title":"Tron: Evolution"
                "title":"Tron: Evolution - Battle Grids"
                "title":"Tron: Legacy"
                "title":"Tron: Legacy (soundtrack)"
                "title":"Tron: Solar Sailer"
                "title":"Tron: The Ghost in the Machine"
                "title":"Tron: Uprising"

I wrote this code to count length of pages:

count = 0;
for (var key in netData.query.pages) {
count = count + 1;

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