Google Phone app is testing a new dial pad UI

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.xda-developers.com/google-phone-tests-new-dial-pad-ui/
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[Update: Rolling out] Google Phone app tests a Material You redesign for the dial pad

Update 1 (04/07/2022 @ 10:34 ET): The revamped dialer with Material You flare has started rolling out to users. Scroll to the bottom for more information. The article as published on February 25, 2022, is preserved below.

Google Phone has greatly evolved over the last few years, going from a basic dialer app to one of the most powerful phone calling apps. Over time, it has gained several notable features, including call recording, the ability to filter out spam and fraud calls, Automatic Call Screen, Caller ID feature, and much more. Back in September, the app received a big Material You redesign, bringing reworked floating action buttons and dynamic theming support on Android 12 devices. Now in a push to fully conform with the Material You guidelines, the app is preparing a new UI for the dial pad.

As spotted by the Google News Telegram channel, the Google Phone is testing a revamped UI for dial pad, which adds bigger, more prominent touchpad buttons. The oval-shaped buttons are similar to what we have seen on the redesigned Google Calculator app as well as Android 12‘s lock screen.

Google is working on a new UI for the dial pad in the Phone app.

Left: Current UI
Right: New UI

H/T @Nail_Sadykov pic.twitter.com/xAfKSHgPNH

— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) February 24, 2022

When pressed, buttons provide nice visual feedback, with a ripple effect expanding outward from the point of touch. You can check out how the new UI compared to the current one in the screenshots below.

Old UI New UI

The revamped dial pad UI hasn’t rolled out widely. It wasn’t available on any of my devices running the latest beta version of the Google Phone app (v76.0.429646319-public beta). To be one of the first it out, you can sign up for the Google Phone beta program here. We’ll keep an eye out and be sure to let you know when the new dial pad UI starts rolling out to everyone.

Update: The revamped dialer starts rolling out to users

9to5Google reports that Google Phone’s revamped dialer with a Material You UI is starting to roll out to users. Arriving as a server-side rollout, the redesign has appeared for several users on Google Phone v78 beta. It’s not yet available on the latest stable version of the Google Phone app. If you want to try it out, you can sign up for the beta program here.

Google Phone dial pad

Have you received the new dial pad UI in the Google Phone app? Let us know in the comments below?

Via: 9to5Google, Mishaal Rahman on Twitter

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