A Closer Look at Our 10 Million Linktrees

 2 years ago
source link: https://linktr.ee/blog/10-million-linktrees/
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A Closer Look at Our 10 Million Linktrees

To celebrate reaching the incredible 10 million Linktree milestone, we’re looking at all the different ways that you’ve all used the platform to share your vision, monetize your passion or connect with your audience.

Celebrating 10M Linktrees

You’re a diverse bunch of side hustlers, creators, charities, business people and brands. Looking for a bidet company with heaps of neat content on how to keep your bowels healthy? Cue Hello Tushy. Looking for a bunch of depressing fridge poems? There is a Linktree for that. Or maybe you’re after Vegan recipes – Just For All has got you covered.  

We’re so proud of the thriving community of Linktree users that we’ve built so to celebrate this milestone, we’re giving shout outs, sharing our favourite fun facts and celebrating the diversity of you all.

You’re everywhere!

Even though Linktree started in Australia, most of you are in the USA, Brazil, UK and Indonesia with users down under only making up 1.5%. There is at least 1 of you in every single country, it doesn’t get more global than that.

You’re passionate for causes you care about

2020 was a huge year for activism with the Australian Bushfires, a global pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement and the US election just to name a few. Linktree users all over the globe rallied together to show support, raise funds and drive change. 

Over 325k of you enabled the Black Lives Matter banner to support the movement which saw  these profiles gain over 4.4M views! In December we rolled out a new banner called The Giving Tree with GoFundMe which 30k of you enabled on your profile to help drive awareness and donations to those in need over the holidays. 

Lastly, web traffic from Linktree drove 200K USD in donations to various causes on GoFundMe last year. We’re so proud of this!

You love music 

There are over 3M links to music streaming services from Linktree profiles. This means that  you’re helping your network to discover emerging artists, influencing the charts and supporting the music industry.  

Fun fact: Even our favourite musicians that have passed away are on Linktree. John Lennon, George Harrison, 2pac and Janis Joplin have all magically appeared on Linktree. 

You’re making that money

Out of 10 million Linktrees, just over 1M of you are using your account to promote an ecommerce business. An average of 7k ecommerce links per day are added to Linktree profiles all over the world. 

Fun fact: You can find an abundance of lockdown or virtual activities on the Linktree community. Try Children’s Atlas Of Wine for online tastings with a sommelier, check out quarantine-friendly cabaret with Kitty Nights or host your own quiz night with TriviaMaker.

Want to see how other side hustlers and entrepreneurs are using Linktree? Tell me more

You’re so damn creative 

Upon signing up for Linktree, we ask you what you classify yourself as and the most popular category is creator. There is everything from contortionists to tattoo artists to filmmakers and TikTok superstars. 

Fun fact: There is an account, Accidentally Wes Anderson, which showcases some of the most beautiful locations around the world inspired by films made by the man himself.

But most of all, you mean a lot to us…

We’re so grateful for all 10 million of you, we’re not us without you. Thanks for sharing your links, dreams and passions with us. We’ll keep helping each of you have your own place on the internet through using Linktree.

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