Boost Your Online Business Sales During COVID

 2 years ago
source link: https://linktr.ee/blog/boost-sales-during-covid/
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Best Practices

Boost Your Online Business Sales During COVID

If you’re in the business of selling discretionary products you don’t need us to tell you about the impact of COVID-19 – you’re already feeling it on your bottom line. It’s never been more vital to boost online conversion on your sales channels and cut through the noise. We’re here to show you how.

retail covid conversion

Retailers – this is what your Saturday footfall now looks like.

Your stores are likely closed, and your staff numbers down. How do you still keep your brand afloat and your customers loyal during lockdown?

Communicate authentically

Social media is your best friend right now. House-bound, news-avoidant consumers are spending more time on social channels seeking out connection when they’re at their loneliest. Whichever social platforms work best for your customers, now is not the time to radically cut back on your marketing efforts, or spend.

Instead, you should focus on talking to your customers about their current situation and about what your brand is doing to keep ticking along at this time. Consumers are more eager to spend with businesses they believe have strong community values, or have a core mission. If there is an ethical or environmental aspect to your brand or products, now is the time to make sure you’ve told that story in a clear and compelling way.

Anxious consumers might feel guilty about a frivolous spend right now. Talk about that too. How does dressing up for dinner at home make your customers feel? How does it shape an otherwise flat day when a parcel is left on the doorstep?

There is an aspect of escapism and self-reward that’s going to keep us all motivated now we’re in for the long haul.

If there is an ethical or environmental aspect to your brand or products, now is the time to make sure you’ve told that story in a clear and compelling way.

Once you’ve reinvested in that online rapport, it’s time to look at conversion.

Smooth out the customer experience

Regardless of whether your shopper is an existing customer, or a new customer, no one has the patience for trawling through your entire webstore or social feed to locate what they want. We created Linktree to ensure that no matter where your customer finds you, they’re able to pinpoint which content they engage with.

Right now, with more people shopping online, retailers have actually seen conversion fall. Shoppers are being more reserved in their decision making. You need to remove those friction points to encourage your customers.

Used by brands like L’Oréal and Billabong, with a single link you can house all the vital things you’re talking about across your platforms. You might have a link to the latest product release, a sign-up for your email newsletter, a sale selection and WFH styling tips on YouTube, while also providing an overview of your updated returns policy.

Brands: with a single link you can house all the vital things you’re talking about across your platforms.

We’ve created some features that are especially useful to brands and retailers right now:

  • Scheduled Links – time when your new content goes live, so it’s in line with a big release, or at the right timezone for your biggest customer base.
  • Video Links – play YouTube videos directly from within your Linktree. Your visitors can watch a video, and they’re still on the page to click further links.
  • Newsletter Sign Up – integrate your Mailchimp sign-up with your Linktree and your visitor can be added directly from your Linktree.
  • Retargeting your Linktree visitors – set up retargeting campaigns to serve content to your most engaged audiences.
  • Deep analytics – better understand your social traffic and which CTAs are converting with clicks and views analytics.
  • Completely customizable themes – represent your brand to create a seamless branded experience online. You can change your Linktree appearance, upload brand assets and fine tune your fonts and color palettes.

Get more info on our PRO features here.

Get your brand's Linktree PRO running in 30 secondsCreate your Linktree here

Try new online tactics

One of the silver linings amid the current chaos is the innovation and experimentation happening across many industries. Now is a good time to try new tactics.

Pinterest usage has been up since coronavirus distancing swept globally. People are seeking inspiration Pinterest – are you there to be found? Use catalogue imagery or previous social posts, with a clear call to action in the accompanying copy. Link to your Linktree so new potential shoppers have an option of how they want to engage with your brand further.

Streaming has transformed the world of education, entertainment and socialising and it’s about to change retail for good too. In China, shop-streaming has been popular for some time, with Key Opinion Leaders pairing up with brands and retailers to introduce their audiences to new products via WeChat.

You too can tap into this – why not talk your audience through your newest products? IGTV, YouTube Live, Facebook Live and Twitch are great places for this kind of content. You could even invite your most-loyal shoppers to a Zoom preview of an upcoming release. Encourage different team members to get involved to show a range of faces and tastes.

Aren’t selling enough? Try these ideas:

  • Engage local micro influencers who’ll be passionate about helping your brand, and can plug your products to their audience in exchange for a freebie. Encourage them to also use Linktree and their post will have longevity for your brand.
  • If you can’t get products shipped, encourage your customers to shop for gift cards now to spend with you later. Explain how this keeps your business afloat.
  • Extend your returns terms – it’s likely people can’t get to the post, so make it clear you’re giving them extra time.
  • Try a delivery service like Sendle to get your products shipped – they ship for small businesses, carbon neutrally, in the US and Australia.

Staedtler's Linktree

Staedtler are a great example of a brand that has pivoted brilliantly during the crisis. Headquartered in Germany, they’re not letting nationwide shutdown cut their conversation with their shoppers. On their Linktree they’re pointing audiences to their ‘mandala creator’ – an interactive tool which creates your own print-at-home mindfulness coloring template. They’ve also got DIY ideas on their Linktree for house bound audiences, and relevant content around Easter egg decorations. Staedtler are sharing their audience’s creations back on their social channels.

As a brand without its own retail presence, this is a great way to stay front of mind, and strike a generous tone with customers who’ll reward you later.

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