A Free Guide On Unit Testing Using Mockito In Android

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/adiii_3181/a-free-guide-on-unit-testing-using-mockito-in-android-55mb
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A Free Guide On Unit Testing Using Mockito In Android

In today’s mobile app development, writing test cases are very crucial as mobile applications are getting solid features, functionalities, and bigger in size. If you want to write code which efficiently unit-testable, you can use the best suitable architecture like MVP or MVVM.

Here are the three tests that developers can add to their test suits:

  1. UI Tests
  2. Instrumented Tests
  3. Unit Tests

The objective of these tests is to fix the bugs in development. Here. we will talk about Mockito and the steps to implement unit testing using Mockito in the android application.

In this article, we talk about the steps that need to be taken to implement unit tests using mockito in android. We shared all the technical codes and commands that need to implement smoothly and easily. If you want to know more about Unit testing using mockito in android, read our article now.

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