New Cumulative Update Brings Search Highlights to Windows 10 Users

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/new-cumulative-update-brings-search-highlights-to-windows-10-users-535104.shtml
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Microsoft ships cumulative update preview for Windows 10

The most recent cumulative update for Windows 10, still in the preview stage for now (and available optionally from Windows Update) includes search highlights.

The feature was originally announced in Windows 11 earlier this year, but it’s also making its way to Windows 10.

Windows 10 cumulative update KB5011543 can be downloaded manually on all up-to-date Windows 10 devices right now if you want to try out the search highlights on your device. If you’re not into optional updates, then the search highlights will also be part of the next cumulative updates shipped to your computer on the next Patch Tuesday cycle.

Search highlights in Windows 10

Search highlights are a new feature in Windows 10 and Windows 11 that update the search experience with content like holidays, anniversaries, and other personalized information you’re going to see in the search UI.

“Search highlights will present notable and interesting moments of what’s special about each day—like holidays, anniversaries, and other educational moments in time both globally and in your region. To see more details at a glance, hover, click, or tap on the illustration in the search box. For enterprise customers, search highlights will feature the latest updates from your organization and suggest people, files, and more,” Microsoft explains.

As it typically happens when Microsoft introduces new features for Windows devices, the rollout is happening in stages, and the company explains that it could take up to several months before all Windows 10 devices are provided with this new feature.

“Search highlights will roll out to Windows 10 customers over the next several weeks. We are taking a phased and measured approach. Broad availability will occur in the coming months,” the company said in the release notes of the optional cumulative update.

The next Patch Tuesday (which is when the search highlights will be included in a non-preview update) takes place on April 12.

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