#FoundersConnect with Damilola Olokesusi, Co-founder & CEO of Shuttlers

 2 years ago
source link: https://hackernoon.com/foundersconnect-with-damilola-olokesusi-co-founder-and-ceo-of-shuttlers
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#FoundersConnect with Damilola Olokesusi, Co-founder & CEO of Shuttlers
Shuttlers is a platform that enables professionals to access efficient shared transportation in Lagos Metropolis. With the app, professionals can book a seat on a route, pay for a seat and track the arrival of their shuttle. Dami talks about her childhood background, her journey to entrepreneurship, why it was important for her to build this business, etc. Dami talked about the challenges of raising money for the startup. So many things to learn from Dami in this video, please watch till the end.

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Peace Itimi | Founders Connect

Peace Itimi is a growth marketer who currently hosts a YouTube show, Founders Connect.

I love Damilola's LinkedIn bio: It says "Currently redesigning the way professionals commute in Lagos by providing a comfortable yet affordable scheduled ride-sharing service To & Fro work."

Dami is the co-founder and CEO of Shuttlers, a platform that enables professionals to access efficient shared transportation in Lagos Metropolis. We help transform the stressful time commuting to and from work into a productive, refreshing and relaxing experience. With Shuttlers App, Professionals can book a seat on a route, pay for a seat and track the arrival of their shuttle.

I had a great time learning about Dami during this interview. As customary, we talked about her childhood background, her journey to entrepreneurship, how Shuttlers started, why it was important for her to build this business, etc. Dami talked about the challenges of raising money for Shuttlers and how her co-founders left the business at some point. So many things to learn from Dami in this video. Please watch till the end.

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Video timestamps

0:53 Dami talks about herself and background story.

2:37 How long have you been doing Entrepreneurship?

13:27 The idea seems capital intensive, how did you get your first buses?

14:49 How does the Asset light model work?

19:21 At what point between 2015 and now did you feel like something was working?

19:47 What has the growth been like right now?

23:33 Did you guys eventually get funding?

24:20 How did Covid help you to build and rebrand?

27:36 As the biggest in the industry, do you still want to get funding?

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