Top 5 React UI frameworks

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/thatanjan/top-react-ui-frameworks-12o0
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UI frameworks are very popular for creating beautiful looking web applications.

Why should you use a UI framework?

  • Writing everything from scratch is a nightmare.
  • You need something quickly.
  • You suck at design.
  • You don't like CSS or other reasons.


Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible component library that gives you the building blocks you need to build your React applications.

It is pretty simple and easy to use. I have already made a crash course on Chakra-UI.

Also, I created a tutorial about how to create an autocomplete form with MongoDB Atlas, Node, React, and Chakra-UI.

Learn more from Chakra-UI docs


React components for faster and easier web development. Build your design system, or start with Material Design.

Learn more from Material-UI docs

I have a video series on Material-UI. You can check that out.

React Bootstarp

React-Bootstrap replaces Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery.

Learn more from React docs

Ant Design

A design system for enterprise-level products. Create an efficient and enjoyable work experience.

Learn more from Ant Design

Semantic UI React

Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI.

  • jQuery Free
  • Declarative API
  • Augmentation
  • Shorthand Props
  • Sub Components
  • Auto Controlled State

There are a lot more libraries available for react. But my favorite one is Material-UI and Chakra-UI. Comment down your favorite UI framework.

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