Can anyone help me with a solution to this problem?

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/101241
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Can anyone help me with a solution to this problem?
Two strings S and T each of length at most 10^5 consisting only of the lowercase English letters 'a' through 'r'. Given Q queries (1≤Q≤10^5). Each query provides a subset of the lowercase English letters from 'a' to 'r.' You need to determine for each query whether s and t, when restricted only to the letters in the query, are equal.

INPUT FORMAT: First line contains S. Second line contains T. Third line contains Q. Next Q lines each contain a query string. Within a query string, no letters are repeated. Furthermore, all query strings are in sorted order, and no query string appears more than once.

OUTPUT FORMAT : For each query, print 'Y' if S and T, when restricted only to the letters in the query, are equal, or 'N' otherwise.

SAMPLE INPUT: aabcd caabd 4 a ac abd abcd


//For the first query, both strings become "aa" when restricted only to 'a.' //For the second query, the first string becomes "aac" while the second string becomes "caa."

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