I lost my days in a row streak due to time change for summer!

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/101247
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I lost my days in a row streak due to time change for summer!

i had a 22 days in a row streak on my profile but today to my surprise it was reduced to 15 days

and my streak (from 23 days until now) broken...

that happened today when the clock moved 1 hour forward for the summer time.

in day 18/3 (the day that was cut off from my streak) i solved a problem and the time was 11:16

and my days in a row streak was alright

but today after that 1 hour shifted forward the submission time to that problem became 00:16 in day 19/3

so the solved problem wasn't considered solved in 18/3 but in 19/3 and that caused day 18/3 to be left inactive

and my days streak to be broken...

so this all happened just because of that 1 hour shift

here are all the proofs

is there a way to fix this? it really took me a lot to get that days streak

and I don't want it all to be wasted...

I would really appreciate your help!

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