119: Ryan Toronto - Why a Back-End Developer Made the Switch to SPAs

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Why a Back-End Developer Made the Switch to SPAs

Full Stack Radio

Full Stack Radio • Episode 119
119: Ryan Toronto - Why a Back-End Developer Made the Switch to SPAs
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July 17, 2019 • Episode 119
119: Ryan Toronto - Why a Back-End Developer Made the Switch to SPAs
By Adam Wathan • View the Website
In this episode, Adam talks to Ryan Toronto about his journey from being a full stack Rails developer to focusing on single page applications, and why application developers should be betting on UI-focused frameworks like Ember, React, and Vue.
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Episode Details

In this episode, Adam talks to Ryan Toronto about his journey from being a full stack Rails developer to focusing on single page applications, and why application developers should be betting on UI-focused frameworks like Ember, React, and Vue.

Show Notes

Topics include:
  • How modernizing a Flash app drove Ryan to start building SPAs
  • How products are really just user interfaces to the end user, and why that means it makes sense to make the UI the core of your codebase
  • Why the backend will continue to be commoditized and application developers will be spending more and more of their time in the UI
  • What makes something a web app instead of a website, and why almost everything is actually an app
  • Why application developers still need to write server-side code right now and what areas have the biggest room for innovation and improvement

What is Full Stack Radio?

A podcast for developers interested in building great software products. Every episode, Adam Wathan is joined by a guest to talk about everything from product design and user experience to unit testing and system administration.

All audio, artwork, episode descriptions and notes are property of Adam Wathan, for Full Stack Radio, and published with permission by Transistor, Inc.

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