12 YouTube Video Ideas for Your New Channel

 2 years ago
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12 YouTube Video Ideas for Your New Channel

By Sadaf Tanzeem

Published 11 hours ago

Stuck on what to do for your new YouTube channel? These ideas can help you get started.

Have you created a new YouTube channel? If so, you’re probably excited about posting new videos and all the fun you’ll have while shooting them. But what should your videos be about? And will people even like them?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are 12 video ideas for your new YouTube channel.

1. Introduce Yourself and Your Channel

A woman speaks into a microphone in front of a Mac computer as a camera records her.

The first video you can create for your new channel is the introduction video. Here, you can say a few words about yourself, what you do, and what your audience can expect from your channel. Make sure to give your viewers a strong reason to subscribe.

2. Show a Day in Your Life

galaxy s22 ultra camera in use Image Credit: Samsung

If you’re out of ideas, you can show what a typical day looks like in your life. Moreover, if your channel is about something specific—for instance career, health, or productivity—you can emphasize the tasks you perform daily to achieve a specific goal related to your field.

3. Review Products

Hands exchanging bag for money across PCs

It’s no news that with all the technology and product options available today, people make informed decisions. Especially if it’s related to something that’s complicated, expensive, includes technical details, or they haven’t tried before.

Therefore, product review videos are one of the best types of content you can create. If you have no clue what to review, consider reviewing software, new shopping sites, courses, books, or even movies and web series.

4. Interview Someone

A person holding a mike and interviewing another person on camera

When you’re new on the platform, you can feature other YouTubers with a similar audience as you; this can help both of you grow your reach and engagement. If the interview is about answering some of the major questions your target audience has or a problem they want to solve, it will also be helpful for them.

Besides that, you can also do it for fun. Interview strangers, your friends, or even people coming from specific backgrounds to know more about them—for instance, interviewing 10 Harvard students about their on-campus life.

5. Create Animated Videos

animation of man wearing VR headset

When you still haven’t set any particular expectations for your viewers, you can always test out different options. Instead of posting traditional videos where you stand in front of the camera and do the talking, consider creating animated videos. You can create videos that give people helpful tips about life, work, productivity, or anything else.

Furthermore, if you love telling stories or writing your own stories, you can turn them into YouTube videos. For inspiration, you can check other YouTube channels creating similar videos, like How it Should Have Ended. They post animated videos about alternate endings of movies and series.

Adobe’s Animate and After Effects, Animaker, and Blender are amazing animation software that can help you create jaw-dropping videos for your channel.

6. Post a Video Series

Want your viewers to keep coming back for more? Create a video series. In this TED video below, Jia Jiang talks about creating a vlog of 100 videos to overcome his fear of rejection.

He listed the things he’d do to get rejected, recorded them while it’s happening, and posted the video series on YouTube. One of those videos received over 6 million views.

So, yes. It works. But don’t worry, you don’t have to do this same type of experiment. You can try other things, for example:

  • 30-Day Abs Workout Challenge
  • 7-Day Glowing Skin Challenge
  • 3 Solo Trips in a Row Challenge

7. Make Tutorial Videos

woman streaming doing her makeup

If you know how to play a musical instrument, create a website, dance like a pro, or do makeup, what are you waiting for? Teach others how to do it. There are millions of people out there waiting to learn such skills; you can be their guiding light.

8. Give Your Viewers a House Tour

The Hobbit House, California Airbnb Image Credit: Roy & Stella/Airbnb

If you have an awesome house, or you just decorated or renovated it, you can create a video about it. Show all the impressive details that your audience will love or would want to use in their own homes.

Just ensure that you don’t expose any private details while doing so—for instance, a board showing the location of your house in the background.

9. Create Shorts

Person on YouTube App

As the name suggests, YouTube Shorts are short 15-60 seconds videos. Some great ideas for these mini videos can be quick life hacks, psychological facts, interesting things about your country, and cultural facts.

10. Discuss Problems and Their Solutions

two person video call through a laptop

Not one person in the world can say they have absolutely no problems in their lives. Neither can you. However, with problems come their solutions. Use this for a video; brainstorm all the challenges you’ve overcome in life and how exactly you did it.

There must be thousands of people facing the same problem right now. Your solutions may change their perspective and ease the difficulties they have dealing with it. For instance, if you once had a constant fear of failing the exams or getting fired, you can share your experience of how you overcame this problem.

11. Share Your Travel Experiences

woman wearing backpack taking photos of ruins

If you love to travel, you already have a ton of content to share. It’s simple; create videos showing the amazing places you’ve been to, what type of food those countries or cities had to offer, or what areas people can visit when they go there.

Besides that, you can create how-to videos based on your travel experiences. For example:

  • How to Travel Abroad
  • How to Travel Solo
  • How to Socialize in a New Place

12. List Your Favorite Things


If you’re the type of person who has been to tons of movie premiers or has a long list of favorite songs, books, TV shows, and web series, you’re in luck. Most people go to YouTube just to find out what they should watch, read, or listen to. So, help them choose.

All you need to do is create a list of movies, dramas, songs, or books based on genre, storyline, mood, activity, or even ratings. For example:

  • The 10 Best Horror Movies to Watch With Your Friends
  • 5 Books Every Traveler Should Carry With Them
  • 10 Songs to Listen to When You’re Heartbroken

Start Posting Content on Your New YouTube Channel

Now you have a great chunk of ideas to get started with for your new YouTube channel. So don’t wait, write the script, prepare a little, pick up your camera, and begin filming. Who knows? This list might inspire you to come up with something else completely unique.

About The Author


Sadaf Tanzeem (49 Articles Published)

Sadaf Tanzeem is a B2B & B2C freelance writer. She is on her way to make boring content of blogs sparkle and encourage readers to take action.

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