How to Change Your Facebook Profile Picture

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-change-facebook-profile-picture/
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How to Change Your Facebook Profile Picture

By Brad R. Edwards

Published 12 hours ago

Are you tired of your old Facebook profile photo? Here's how you can change it, whether you're on mobile or PC.

Your Facebook profile picture represents you on the platform. Appearing next to your comments, on your profile, in the Messenger app, it really is the first impression you put out there to your friends and fellow group members. You likely want a profile picture that reflects you, and if it's been a while since you updated it, you may not be entirely sure how to do it.

Changing your Facebook profile picture is extremely simple and can be done in just a few quick steps.

Updating Your Facebook Profile Picture on PC

  1. Log in to Facebook.
  2. Click your name either on the top-left or top-right.
  3. Click on your current profile picture, then click Update profile picture.
  4. Either select a photo from your pre-existing Uploads or click Upload Photo.
  5. Once your photo has been selected, click Save.
The Update Profile Picture menu on the Facebook web browser.

You should now have updated your Facebook profile picture by following these steps.

Updating Your Facebook Profile Picture on Mobile

Updating your Facebook profile picture on mobile is as simple and very similar to the method you'd use on PC.

  1. Open the Facebook app.
  2. Tap on the Profile tab.
  3. Tap on your current profile picture.
  4. Tap Select Profile Picture.
  5. Either select a photo you've previously uploaded to Facebook or choose an image from your camera roll.
  6. After adjusting/editing the image to your satisfaction, tap Save.
3 Images
The newsfeed on the iOS Facebook app.
The Profile Page on the iOS Facebook app.
The update profile picture screen on the iOS Facebook app.

You should now have your new Facebook profile picture by following these steps. Keep in mind that you can also add a frame to your profile picture and choose whether or not your Facebook Friends are alerted to your change, in addition to controlling which Facebook friends can see you online.

Updating Your Facebook Profile Picture

Having a Facebook profile picture you are happy with is important, which applies to any social media platform. Luckily, Facebook makes it easy for you to update your profile picture, and there is no limit to this. Simply use this post whenever you need help updating your profile picture, and remember to make sure you're up-to-date on the latest Facebook photo privacy settings.

About The Author


Brad R. Edwards (70 Articles Published)

iOS writer and Digital Marketing student.

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