The Most Common Passwords That Have Leaked On The Dark Web, Ranked

 2 years ago
source link: https://digg.com/technology/link/20-most-common-passwords-leaked-on-dark-web-P0LEeNpHlx
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The Most Common Passwords That Have Leaked On The Dark Web, Ranked

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A new report from Lookout, a mobile security firm, published the twenty most common passwords that are available on the dark web.

The Lede

One password manager company estimates that on average, an individual has more than 100 accounts. A recent report from the nonprofit Identity Theft Resource Center, from January 2021, found that data breaches in the US last year were up 68 percent from 2020. Here's a list of the most common passwords that can be found on the dark web because of numerous data breaches.

Key Details

  • The 20 most common passwords: "123456", "123456789", "Qwerty", "Password", "12345", "12345678", "111111", "1234567", "123123", "Qwerty123", "1q2w3e", "1234567890", "DEFAULT", "0", "Abc123", "654321", "123321", "Qwertyuiop", "Iloveyou" and "666666".
  • If any of these passwords are familiar, you should change them ASAP.

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