Microsoft Announces Widgets Improvements in Windows 11

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-announces-widgets-improvements-in-windows-11-534936.shtml
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New feature is available for users in the Insider program

Microsoft has just announced a new idea whose purpose is to make it easier to discover new widgets that can be added to the Widget tool in Windows 11.

More specifically, Microsoft is transforming the Widgets UI into a feed-inspired layout that brings together both your existing widgets and suggested additions.

In other words, you should be able to find new widgets that make sense for you in a more convenient manner, and Microsoft says it’s working on making this experience as personalized as possible.

“We’re trying out some changes in Widgets to bring more dynamic content to your Widgets board, by experimenting with bringing together the widgets and news feed experiences as a dynamic blended feed containing both widgets and news content. This should make it easier for you to discover and engage with new widgets and news content through your feed. With a dynamic feed there’s less of a burden on you to curate the canvas on your own, but you’ll still be able to pin your favorite Widgets to the top if you want,” Microsoft explains.

Live only for a limited number of insiders

Worth knowing is that no changes would be made to the existing widget configurations, so Windows 11 will only show the recommendations in a feed-based UI added at the bottom of our current setup.

The new idea, whose purpose is to make it easier to discover new widgets, is currently available only for a limited number of users who are enrolled in the Windows Insider program.

Microsoft says it indeed plans to expand its availability, but this will take some time, as the company just wants to collect more feedback from users before doing this. At this point, there’s obviously no ETA as to when more users could get their hands on the improved widget experience if they are already running Windows 11 preview builds.

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