Meet February’s Featured Creators on the Rise

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.youtube/creator-and-artist-stories/meet-februarys-featured-creators-on-the-rise/
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Creator & Artist Stories

Meet February’s Featured Creators on the Rise

  • By Madeline Buxton
  • Culture & Trends Manager, US and Canada
  • Feb.11.2022
Meet February’s Featured Creators on the Rise
Emerging creators share their advice to those just getting started.

In 2021, we used this space to introduce you to a monthly group of select channels from Creators on the Rise, a global program that identifies and celebrates up-and-coming creators. This year, we’re taking things a step further.

Creators on the Rise don’t just teach us about their unique interest areas — they also have insights on how to make content that breaks through in a crowded landscape. With that in mind, each month we’ll be posing a new question to featured creators. We might ask them about the most challenging video they’ve produced, the channels they follow for inspiration, or the editing techniques that helped them define their style. We kicked off 2022 with the following question:

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What advice would you have for someone just getting started creating content?

Catherine Duplessis, a lifestyle creator who puts a fresh spin on shopping hauls, decluttering hacks, and apartment makeovers:

"Do it for the right reasons. Do it because you absolutely love creating. Find the things you’re passionate about, the things you can talk about all the time. If you think you’re the only one that is crazy passionate about those things, you’re not. Do it to find other people like you, to find your community."

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Tony Holiday, a music producer and sound designer sharing how to make beats from all different genres:

“A lot of people give advice along the lines [of] ‘don’t worry about it, just start making content’ when asked this question. And while I do agree, I think making quality content and having some basic branding is equally as important.

One of the reasons I was able to stand out so quickly in my niche was that my first videos weren’t just thrown together — even though looking back it seems that way — and my thumbnails and channel branding was consistent. It doesn’t need to be professional but a consistent profile picture/channel cover/thumbnail combination goes a long way.”

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Quynh Pham, a product reviewer who recently started testing mouthwatering recipes:

"I've found that some of my most popular videos are the ones where I was just having fun and being authentically me. At the end of the day, your videos are a reflection of you and how you choose to express yourself. Your unique personality might not interest everyone — and that's totally okay — but it’s going to appeal to many others. It's those people who will subscribe and keep coming back for more.”

Check out the rest of this month’s playlist to explore creators’ passions for manga, wigs, powerlifting, makeup, and horror books, and come back here next month for another creator question.

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