LinkedIn launches podcast network aimed at professional audiences

 2 years ago
source link: https://searchengineland.com/linkedin-launches-podcast-network-aimed-at-professional-audiences-381214
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Search Engine Land » Channel » Social » LinkedIn launches podcast network aimed at professional audiences

LinkedIn launches podcast network aimed at professional audiences

If LinkedIn enables more brands to join, it may help B2B brands with podcasts, like agencies, get closer to their target audience than they might on other podcast platforms.

George Nguyen on February 25, 2022 at 10:48 am

LinkedIn is piloting its own podcast offering, known as the LinkedIn Podcast Network. The pilot program will include shows about topics such as technology, recruiting and mental health, from external experts as well as its own in-house news team.

A screenshot of podcasts from the LinkedIn Podcast NetworkA few podcasts from the LinkedIn Podcast Network. Image: LinkedIn.

Why we care. There is a growing number of podcasts aimed at professional audiences — this is especially true in the search marketing industry. Hosting your podcast on LinkedIn may help your brand — particularly if it’s a B2B brand — get closer to professional audiences than they might on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, for example. 

While the LinkedIn Podcast Network isn’t open for all brands to join, there is a lead form for those that are interested in learning how to join it, so that may be a possibility down the road.

Where to listen. All LinkedIn Podcast Network shows will be available globally on LinkedIn by following the podcast hosts and subscribing to their weekly newsletters. These shows are not exclusive to the professional social media network — they can also be listened to on other podcast platforms, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. 

How to join the LinkedIn Podcast Network. It seems that existing podcasts may be able to learn more about joining the LinkedIn Podcast Network by filling out this form.

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