3G Sunsetting Reality Sets In as AT&T Turns Off Service

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.informationweek.com/it-life/3g-sunsetting-reality-sets-in-as-at-t-turns-off-service
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3G Sunsetting Reality Sets In as AT&T Turns Off Service

Businesses that did not replace 3G equipment due the impact of COVID, supply chain issues, and worker shortages saw the impact this week as 3G sunsetting began.
sunset with birds
Credit: Pixabay

While plans to shut down its 3G services have been known for about three years, companies were still caught unprepared this week as AT&T started implementing its 3G sunsetting plans on Tuesday and cut off service.

Axios reported some immediate problems and application areas that could be the first to experience problems. For example, it noted that "roughly 2 million devices powering burglar intrusion systems, fire alarms and personal emergency alerts will go offline."

Others have warned of issues with connected cars. Consumer Reports found that while some vehicles would need a software or hardware upgrade, many vehicles that are just a few years old – including vehicles from Chrysler, Dodge, Hyundai, Jeep, Lexus, Nissan, Ram, and Toyota – will lose their connections permanently.

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