Raising Your Profile

 2 years ago
source link: https://soffes.blog/raising-your-profile
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Raising Your Profile — Hi, I’m Sam

Raising Your Profile — Hi, I’m Sam


Raising Your Profile

Posted on December 14, 2013

Recently, I recorded a video with my friend Pasan over at Treehouse. We talked about raising your profile online.

Personal branding is very important to me. It's something that requires effort. It's not random chance people know (or don't know) who you are.

Anyway, give it a watch if you're interested. It's 35 minutes long and in interview format.

Custom Controls in Footage

Posted on December 4, 2013

I've been working on app called Footage with my good friend Drew Wilson (we made Roon together). Footage is a video editor app he's been working on for awhile. Drew hired me to make the effects system and to come up with a way for some designer friends to make effects.

We decided to make another Mac app called Footage Composer. It's been a lot of fun and there are definitely some big challenges with this project. Mac development is hard.

I asked Drew if I could show off some of the stuff I've been working on and he was all for it.

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