Hello Internet: Twitter

 2 years ago
source link: https://soffes.blog/hello-internet-twitter
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Twitter — Hi, I’m Sam

Hello Internet: Twitter — Hi, I’m Sam

Hi, I’m Sam

This is my blog. I also have a website thing.

Hello Internet: Twitter

Posted on November 15, 2010

Twitter is down a lot. I have some feelings about this.

I know that Twitter's infrastructure is crazy. I know that writing that much all at once to the same place is really difficult. I'm just saying I wish they would solve the problem cause I want to use it more. I really do love Twitter and it really is quite impressive. Especially #newtwitter.

You can follow me on Twitter if you want to read about my random complaints, technology babel, or personal randomness. I'm @soffes.

Hello Internet: Mac App Store

Posted on October 21, 2010

My hate (and love) for the new Mac App Store

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