The Internals of PostgreSQL : Chapter 3 Query Processing

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The Internals of PostgreSQL

As described in the official document, PostgreSQL supports a very large number of features required by the SQL standard of 2011.

Query processing is the most complicated subsystem in PostgreSQL, and it efficiently processes the supported SQL. This chapter outlines this query processing; in particular, it focuses on query optimization.

This chapter comprises the following three parts:

  • Part 1: Section 3.1.

This section overviews the query processing in PostgreSQL.

Part 2: Sections 3.2. — 3.4.

This part explains the steps followed to obtain the optimal plan of a single-table query. In Sections 3.2 and 3.3, the processes of estimating the cost and creating the plan tree are explained, respectively. In Section 3.4, the operation of the executor is briefly described.

Part 3: Sections 3.5. — 3.6.

This part explains the process of obtaining the optimal plan of a multiple-table query. In Section 3.5, three join methods are described: nested loop, merge and hash join. In Section 3.6, the process of creating the plan tree of a multiple-table query is explained.

PostgreSQL supports three technically interesting and practical features, namely, Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW), Parallel Query and JIT compilation which is supported from version 11. The first two of them will be described in Chapter 4. The JIT compilation is out of scope of this document; see the official document in details.

3.1. Overview

In PostgreSQL, although the parallel query implemented in version 9.6 uses multiple background worker processes, a backend process basically handles all queries issued by the connected client. This backend consists of five subsystems, as shown below:

  1. Parser

The parser generates a parse tree from an SQL statement in plain text.


The analyzer/analyser carries out a semantic analysis of a parse tree and generates a query tree.


The rewriter transforms a query tree using the rules stored in the rule system if such rules exist.


The planner generates the plan tree that can most effectively be executed from the query tree.


The executor executes the query via accessing the tables and indexes in the order that was created by the plan tree.

In this section, an overview of these subsystems is provided. Due to the fact that the planner and the executor are very complicated, a detailed explanation for these functions will be provided in the following sections.

PostgreSQL's query processing is described in the official document in detail.

3.1.1. Parser

The parser generates a parse tree that can be read by subsequent subsystems from an SQL statement in plain text. Here a specific example is shown in the following without a detailed description.

Let us consider the query shown below.

testdb=# SELECT id, data FROM tbl_a WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;

A parse tree is a tree whose root node is the SelectStmt structure defined in parsenodes.h. Figure 3.2(b) illustrates the parse tree of the query shown in Fig. 3.2(a).

Fig. 3.2. An example of a parse tree.

Fig. 3.2. An example of a parse tree.pgsql03.html

The elements of the SELECT query and the corresponding elements of the parse tree are numbered the same. For example, (1) is an item of the first target list and it is the column ‘id’ of the table, (4) is a WHERE clause, and so on.

Due to the fact that the parser only checks the syntax of an input when generating a parse tree, it only returns an error if there is a syntax error in the query.

The parser does not check the semantics of an input query. For example, even if the query contains a table name that does not exist, the parser does not return an error. Semantic checks are done by the analyzer/analyser.

3.1.2. Analyzer/Analyser

The analyzer/analyser runs a semantic analysis of a parse tree generated by the parser and generates a query tree.

The root of a query tree is the Query structure defined in parsenodes.h; this structure contains metadata of its corresponding query such as the type of this command (SELECT, INSERT or others) and several leaves; each leaf forms a list or a tree and holds data of the individual particular clause.

Figure 3.3 illustrates the query tree of the query shown in Fig. 3.2(a) in the previous subsection.

Fig. 3.3. An example of a query tree.

Fig. 3.3. An example of a query tree.pgsql03.html

The above query tree is briefly described as follows.

  • The targetlist is a list of columns that are the result of this query. In this example, this list is composed of two columns: ‘id' and ‘data’.

    If the input query tree uses ‘' (asterisk), the analyzer/analyser will explicitly replace it to all of the columns.

  • The range table is a list of relations that are used in this query. In this example, this table holds the information of the table ‘tbl_a’ such as the oid of this table and the name of this table.
  • The join tree stores the FROM clause and the WHERE clauses.
  • The sort clause is a list of SortGroupClause.

The details of the query tree are described in the official document.

3.1.3. Rewriter

The rewriter is the system that realizes the rule system, and transforms a query tree according to the rules stored in the pg_rules system catalog if necessary. The rule system is an interesting system in itself, however, the descriptions of the rule system and the rewriter have been omitted to prevent this chapter from becoming too long.


Views in PostgreSQL are implemented by using the rule system. When a view is defined by the CREATE VIEW command, the corresponding rule is automatically generated and stored in the catalog.

Assume that the following view is already defined and the corresponding rule is stored in the pg_rules system catalog.

sampledb=# CREATE VIEW employees_list 
sampledb-#      AS SELECT e.id, e.name, d.name AS department 
sampledb-#            FROM employees AS e, departments AS d WHERE e.department_id = d.id;

When a query that contains a view shown below is issued, the parser creates the parse tree as shown in Fig. 3.4(a).

sampledb=# SELECT * FROM employees_list;

At this stage, the rewriter processes the range table node to a parse tree of the subquery, which is the corresponding view, stored in pg_rules.

Fig. 3.4. An example of the rewriter stage.

Fig. 3.4. An example of the rewriter stage.pgsql03.html

Since PostgreSQL realizes views using such a mechanism, views could not be updated until version 9.2. However, views can be updated from version 9.3 onwards; nonetheless, there are many limitations in updating the view. These details are described in the official document.

3.1.4. Planner and Executor

The planner receives a query tree from the rewriter and generates a (query) plan tree that can be processed by the executor most effectively.

The planner in PostgreSQL is based on pure cost-based optimization; it does not support rule-based optimization and hints. This planner is the most complex subsystem in RDBMS; therefore, an overview of the planner will be provided in the subsequent sections of this chapter.


PostgreSQL does not support the planner hints in SQL, and it will not be supported forever. If you want to use hints in your queries, the extension referred to pg_hint_plan will be worth considering. Refer to the official site in detail.

As in the other RDBMS, the EXPLAIN command in PostgreSQL displays the plan tree itself. A specific example is shown below.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_a WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Sort (cost=182.34..183.09 rows=300 width=8)
  5. Sort Key: data
  6. -> Seq Scan on tbl_a (cost=0.00..170.00 rows=300 width=8)
  7. Filter: (id < 300)
  8. (4 rows)

This result shows the plan tree shown in Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.5. A simple plan tree and the relationship between the plan tree and the result of the EXPLAIN command.

Fig. 3.5. A simple plan tree and the relationship between the plan tree and the result of the EXPLAIN command.pgsql03.html

A plan tree is composed of elements called plan nodes, and it is connected to the plantree list of the PlannedStmt structure. These elements are defined in plannodes.h. Details will be explained in Section 3.3.3 (and Section

Each plan node has information that the executor requires for processing, and the executor processes from the end of the plan tree to the root in the case of a single-table query.

For example, the plan tree shown in Fig. 3.5 is a list of a sort node and a sequential scan node; thus, the executor scans the table:tbl_a by a sequential scan and then sorts the obtained result.

The executor reads and writes tables and indexes in the database cluster via the buffer manager described in Chapter 8. When processing a query, the executor uses some memory areas, such as temp_buffers and work_mem, allocated in advance and creates temporary files if necessary.

In addition, when accessing tuples, PostgreSQL uses the concurrency control mechanism to maintain consistency and isolation of the running transactions. The concurrency control mechanism is described in Chapter 5.

3.2. Cost Estimation in Single-Table Query

PostgreSQL's query optimization is based on cost. Costs are dimensionless values, and these are not absolute performance indicators but are indicators to compare the relative performance of operations.

Costs are estimated by the functions defined in costsize.c.

All of operations executed by the executor have the corresponding cost functions. For example, the costs of sequential scans and index scans are estimated by cost_seqscan() and cost_index(), respectively.

In PostgreSQL, there are three kinds of costs: start-up, run and total. The total cost is the sum of start-up and run costs; thus, only the start-up and run costs are independently estimated.

  • The start-up cost is the cost expended before the first tuple is fetched. For example, the start-up cost of the index scan node is the cost to read index pages to access the first tuple in the target table.
  • The run cost is the cost to fetch all tuples.
  • The total cost is the sum of the costs of both start-up and run costs.

The EXPLAIN command shows both of start-up and total costs in each operation. The simplest example is shown below:

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl;
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------
  4. Seq Scan on tbl (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)
  5. (1 row)

In Line 4, the command shows information about the sequential scan. In the cost section, there are two values; 0.00 and 145.00. In this case, the start-up and total costs are 0.00 and 145.00, respectively.

In this section, we explore how to estimate the sequential scan, index scan and sort operation in detail.

In the following explanations, we use a specific table and an index that are shown below:

testdb=# CREATE TABLE tbl (id int PRIMARY KEY, data int);
testdb=# CREATE INDEX tbl_data_idx ON tbl (data);
testdb=# INSERT INTO tbl SELECT generate_series(1,10000),generate_series(1,10000);
testdb=# ANALYZE;
testdb=# \d tbl
      Table "public.tbl"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | not null
 data   | integer | 
    "tbl_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "tbl_data_idx" btree (data)

3.2.1. Sequential Scan

The cost of the sequential scan is estimated by the cost_seqscan() function. In this subsection, we explore how to estimate the sequential scan cost of the following query.

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id < 8000;

In the sequential scan, the start-up cost is equal to 0, and the run cost is defined by the following equation:

‘run cost’=‘cpu run cost’+‘disk run cost’=(cpu_tuple_cost+cpu_operator_cost)×Ntuple+seq_page_cost×Npage,

where seq_page_cost, cpu_tuple_cost and cpu_operator_cost are set in the postgresql.conf file, and the default values are 1.0, 0.01, and 0.0025, respectively; Ntuple and Npage are the numbers of all tuples and all pages of this table, respectively, and these numbers can be shown using the following query:

testdb=# SELECT relpages, reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tbl';
 relpages | reltuples 
       45 |     10000
(1 row)



‘run cost’=(0.01+0.0025)×10000+1.0×45=170.0.


‘total cost’=0.0+170.0=170.

For confirmation, the result of the EXPLAIN command of the above query is shown below:

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id < 8000;
  3. --------------------------------------------------------
  4. Seq Scan on tbl (cost=0.00..170.00 rows=8000 width=8)
  5. Filter: (id < 8000)
  6. (2 rows)

In Line 4, we can find that the start-up and total costs are 0.00 and 170.00, respectively, and it is estimated that 8000 rows (tuples) will be selected by scanning all rows.

In Line 5, a filter ‘Filter:(id < 8000)’ of the sequential scan is shown. More precisely, it is called a table level filter predicate. Note that this type of filter is used when reading all the tuples in the table, and it does not narrow the scanned range of table pages.

As understood from the run-cost estimation, PostgreSQL assumes that all pages will be read from storages; that is, PostgreSQL does not consider whether the scanned page is in the shared buffers or not.

3.2.2. Index Scan

Although PostgreSQL supports some index methods, such as BTree, GiST, GIN and BRIN, the cost of the index scan is estimated using the common cost function: cost_index().

In this subsection, we explore how to estimate the index scan cost of the following query:

testdb=# SELECT id, data FROM tbl WHERE data < 240;

Before estimating the cost, the numbers of the index pages and index tuples, Nindex,page and Nindex,tuple, are shown below:

testdb=# SELECT relpages, reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'tbl_data_idx';
 relpages | reltuples 
       30 |     10000
(1 row)

Nindex,tuple=10000,Nindex,page=30. Start-Up Cost

The start-up cost of the index scan is the cost to read the index pages to access to the first tuple in the target table, and it is defined by the following equation:

‘start-up cost’={ceil(log2(Nindex,tuple))+(Hindex+1)×50}×cpu_operator_cost,

where Hindex is the height of the index tree.

In this case, according to (3), Nindex,tuple is 10000; Hindex is 1; cpu_operator_cost is 0.0025 (by default). Thus,

‘start-up cost’={ceil(log2(10000))+(1+1)×50}×0.0025=0.285. Run Cost

The run cost of the index scan is the sum of the cpu costs and the IO (input/output) costs of both the table and the index:

‘run cost’=(‘index cpu cost’+‘table cpu cost’)+(‘index IO cost’+‘table IO cost’).

If the Index-Only Scans, which is described in Section 7.2, can be applied, ‘table cpu cost’ and ‘table IO cost’ are not estimated.

The first three costs (i.e. index cpu cost, table cpu cost and index IO cost) are shown in below:

‘index cpu cost’=Selectivity×Nindex,tuple×(cpu_index_tuple_cost+qual_op_cost),‘table cpu cost’=Selectivity×Ntuple×cpu_tuple_cost,‘index IO cost’=ceil(Selectivity×Nindex,page)×random_page_cost,

where cpu_index_tuple_cost and random_page_cost are set in the postgresql.conf file (the defaults are 0.005 and 4.0, respectively);

qual_op_cost is, roughly speaking, the evaluating cost of the index, and it is shown without much explanation here: qual_op_cost=0.0025.

Selectivity is the proportion of the search range of the index by the specified WHERE clause; it is a floating point number from 0 to 1, and it is described in detail in below.

For example, (Selectivity×Ntuple) means the number of the table tuples to be read, (Selectivity×Nindex,page) means the number of the index pages to be read and so on.


The selectivity of query predicates is estimated using histogram_bounds or the MCV (Most Common Value), both of which are stored in the statistics information pg_stats.

Here, the calculation of the selectivity is briefly described using specific examples.

More details are provided in the official document.

The MCV of each column of a table is stored in the pg_stats view as a pair of columns of most_common_vals and most_common_freqs.

  • most_common_vals is a list of the MCVs in the column.
  • most_common_freqs is a list of the frequencies of the MCVs.

A simple example is shown as follows.

The table "countries" has two columns: a column ‘country’ that stores the country name and a column ‘continent’ that stores the continent name to which the country belongs.

testdb=# \d countries
   Table "public.countries"
  Column   | Type | Modifiers 
 country   | text | 
 continent | text | 
    "continent_idx" btree (continent)

testdb=# SELECT continent, count(*) AS "number of countries", 
testdb-#     (count(*)/(SELECT count(*) FROM countries)::real) AS "number of countries / all countries"
testdb-#       FROM countries GROUP BY continent ORDER BY "number of countries" DESC;
   continent   | number of countries | number of countries / all countries 
 Africa        |                  53 |                   0.274611398963731
 Europe        |                  47 |                   0.243523316062176
 Asia          |                  44 |                   0.227979274611399
 North America |                  23 |                   0.119170984455959
 Oceania       |                  14 |                  0.0725388601036269
 South America |                  12 |                  0.0621761658031088
(6 rows)

Let us consider the following query which has a WHERE clause, ‘continent = 'Asia'’:

testdb=# SELECT * FROM countries WHERE continent = 'Asia';

In this case, the planner estimates the index scan cost using the MCV of the ‘continent’ column. The most_common_vals and most_common_freqs of this column are shown below:

testdb=# \x
Expanded display is on.
testdb=# SELECT most_common_vals, most_common_freqs FROM pg_stats 
testdb-#                  WHERE tablename = 'countries' AND attname='continent';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-------------------------------------------------------------
most_common_vals  | {Africa,Europe,Asia,"North America",Oceania,"South America"}
most_common_freqs | {0.274611,0.243523,0.227979,0.119171,0.0725389,0.0621762}

The value of the most_common_freqs corresponding to ‘Asia’ of the most_common_vals is 0.227979. Therefore, 0.227979 is used as the selectivity in this estimation.

If the MCV cannot be used, the value of the histogram_bounds of the target column is used to estimate the cost.

  • histogram_bounds is a list of values that divide the column's values into groups of approximately equal population.

A specific example is shown. This is the value of histogram_bounds of the column ‘data’ in the table ‘tbl’:

testdb=# SELECT histogram_bounds FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'tbl' AND attname = 'data';
(1 row)

By default, the histogram_bounds is divided into 100 buckets. Figure 3.7 illustrates the buckets and the corresponding histogram_bounds in this example. Buckets are numbered starting from 0, and every bucket stores (approximately) the same number of tuples. The values of histogram_bounds are the bounds of the corresponding buckets. For example, the 0th value of histogram_bounds is 1, which means that it is the minimum value of the tuples stored in bucket_0; the 1st value is 100 and this is the minimum value of the tuples stored in bucket_1, and so on.

Fig. 3.7. Buckets and histogram_bounds.

Fig. 3.7. Buckets and histogram_bounds.pgsql03.html

Next, the calculation of the selectivity using the example in this subsection will be shown. The query has a WHERE clause ‘data < 240’ and the value ‘240’ is in the second bucket. In this case, the selectivity can be derived by applying linear interpolation; thus, the selectivity of the column ‘data’ in this query is calculated using the following equation:


Thus, according to (1),(3),(4) and (6),

‘index cpu cost’=0.024×10000×(0.005+0.0025)=1.8,‘table cpu cost’=0.024×10000×0.01=2.4,‘index IO cost’=ceil(0.024×30)×4.0=4.0.

‘table IO cost’ is defined by the following equation:

‘table IO cost’=max_IO_cost+indexCorrelation2×(min_IO_cost−max_IO_cost).

max_IO_cost is the worst case of the IO cost, that is, the cost of randomly scanning all table pages; this cost is defined by the following equation:


In this case, according to (2), Npage=45, and thus


min_IO_cost is the best case of the IO cost, that is, the cost of sequentially scanning the selected table pages; this cost is defined by the following equation:


In this case,


indexCorrelation is described in detail in below, and in this example,


Thus, according to (10),(11) and (12),

‘table IO cost’=180.0+1.02×(5.0−180.0)=5.0.

Finally, according to (7),(8),(9) and (13),

‘run cost’=(1.8+2.4)+(4.0+5.0)=13.2.

Index Correlation

Index correlation is a statistical correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering of the column values (cited from the official document). This ranges from −1 to +1. To understand the relation between the index scan and the index correlation, a specific example is shown in the following.

The table tbl_corr has five columns: two columns are text type and three columns are integer type. The three integer columns store numbers from 1 to 12. Physically, tbl_corr is composed of three pages, and each page has four tuples. Each integer type column has an index with a name is such as index_col_asc and so on.

The index correlations of these columns are shown below:

testdb=# SELECT tablename,attname, correlation FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'tbl_corr';
 tablename | attname  | correlation 
 tbl_corr  | col_asc  |           1
 tbl_corr  | col_desc |          -1
 tbl_corr  | col_rand |    0.125874
(3 rows)

When the following query is executed, PostgreSQL reads only the first page because all target tuples are stored in the first page. Refer to Fig. 3.8(a).

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_corr WHERE col_asc BETWEEN 2 AND 4;

On the other hand, when the following query is executed, PostgreSQL has to read all pages. Refer to Fig. 3.8(b).

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_corr WHERE col_rand BETWEEN 2 AND 4;

This way, the index correlation is a statistical correlation that reflects the influence of random access caused by the twist between the index ordering and the physical tuple ordering in the table in estimating the index scan cost.

Fig. 3.8. Index correlation.

Fig. 3.8. Index correlation.pgsql03.html Total Cost

According to (3) and (14),

‘total cost’=0.285+13.2=13.485.

For confirmation, the result of the EXPLAIN command of the above SELECT query is shown below:

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT id, data FROM tbl WHERE data < 240;
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Index Scan using tbl_data_idx on tbl (cost=0.29..13.49 rows=240 width=8)
  5. Index Cond: (data < 240)
  6. (2 rows)

In Line 4, we can find that the start-up and total costs are 0.29 and 13.49, respectively, and it is estimated that 240 rows (tuples) will be scanned.

In Line 5, an index condition ‘Index Cond:(data < 240)’ of the index scan is shown.

More precisely, this condition is called an access predicate, and it expresses the start and stop conditions of the index scan.

According to this post, EXPLAIN command in PostgreSQL does not distinguish between the access predicate and index filter predicate.

Therefore, if you analyze the output of EXPLAIN, pay attention not only to the index conditions but also to the estimated value of rows.

seq_page_cost and random_page_cost

The default values of seq_page_cost and random_page_cost are 1.0 and 4.0, respectively.

This means that PostgeSQL assumes that the random scan is four times slower than the sequential scan; that is, obviously, the default value of PostgreSQL is based on using HDDs.

On the other hand, in recent days, the default value of random_page_cost is too large because SSDs are mostly used. If the default value of random_page_cost is used despite using an SSD, the planner may select ineffective plans. Therefore, when using an SSD, it is better to change the value of random_page_cost to 1.0.

This blog reported the problem when using the default value of random_page_cost.

3.2.3. Sort

The sort path is used for sorting operations, such as ORDER BY, the preprocessing of merge join operations and other functions. The cost of sorting is estimated using the cost_sort() function.

In the sorting operation, if all tuples to be sorted can be stored in work_mem, the quicksort algorithm is used. Otherwise, a temporary file is created and the file merge sort algorithm is used.

The start-up cost of the sort path is the cost of sorting the target tuples, therefore, the cost is O(Nsort×log2(Nsort)), where Nsort is the number of the tuples to be sorted. The run cost of the sort path is the cost of reading the sorted tuples, therefore the cost is O(Nsort).

In this subsection, we explore how to estimate the sorting cost of the following query. Assume that this query will be sorted in work_mem, without using temporary files.

testdb=# SELECT id, data FROM tbl WHERE data < 240 ORDER BY id;

In this case, the start-up cost is defined in the following equation:

‘start-up cost’=C+comparison_cost×Nsort×log2(Nsort),

where C is the total cost of the last scan, that is, the total cost of the index scan; according to (15), it is 13.485; Nsort=240; comparison_cost is defined in 2×cpu_operator_cost. Thus,

‘start-up cost’=13.485+(2×0.0025)×240.0×log2(240.0)=22.973.

The run cost is the cost to read sorted tuples in the memory; thus,

‘run cost’=cpu_operator_cost×Nsort=0.0025×240=0.6.


‘total cost’=22.973+0.6=23.573.

For confirmation, the result of the EXPLAIN command of the above SELECT query is shown below:

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT id, data FROM tbl WHERE data < 240 ORDER BY id;
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Sort (cost=22.97..23.57 rows=240 width=8)
  5. Sort Key: id
  6. -> Index Scan using tbl_data_idx on tbl (cost=0.29..13.49 rows=240 width=8)
  7. Index Cond: (data < 240)
  8. (4 rows)

In Line 4, we can find that the start-up and total costs are 22.97 and 23.57, respectively.

3.3. Creating the Plan Tree of a Single-Table Query

As the processing of the planner is very complicated, this section describes the simplest process, that is, how a plan tree of a single-table query is created. More complex processing, namely, how a plan tree of a multiple-table query is created is described in Section 3.6.

The planner in PostgreSQL performs three steps, as shown below:

  1. Carry out preprocessing.
  2. Get the cheapest access path by estimating the costs of all possible access paths.
  3. Create the plan tree from the cheapest path.

An access path is a unit of processing for estimating the cost; for example, the sequential scan, index scan, sort and various join operations have their corresponding paths. Access paths are used only inside the planner to create the plan tree.

The most fundamental data structure of access paths is the Path structure defined in relation.h, and it corresponds to the sequential scan. All other access paths are based on it. Details will be described in the following explanations.

To process the above steps, the planner internally creates a PlannerInfo structure, and holds the query tree, the information about the relations contained in the query, the access paths, and so on.

In this section, how plan trees are created from query trees is described using specific examples.

3.3.1. Preprocessing

Before creating a plan tree, the planner carries out some preprocessing of the query tree stored in the PlannerInfo structure.

Although preprocessing involves many steps, we only discuss the main preprocessing for the single-table query in this subsection. The other preprocessing operations are described in Section 3.6.

  1. Simplificating target lists, limit clauses, and so on.

For example, ‘2 + 2’ is rewritten to ‘4’ by the eval_const_expressions() function defined in clauses.c.

Normalizing Boolean expressions.

For example, ‘NOT (NOT a)’ is rewritten to ‘a’.

Flattening AND/OR expressions.

AND and OR in the SQL standard are binary operators, however, in PostgreSQL internals, they are n-ary operators and the planner always assumes that all nested AND and OR expressions are to be flattened.

A specific example is shown. Consider a Boolean expression ‘(id = 1) OR (id = 2) OR (id = 3)’. Figure 3.9(a) shows part of the query tree when using the binary operator. The operator simplified this tree by flattening using a ternary operator. Refer to Fig. 3.9(b).

Fig. 3.9. An example of flattening AND/OR expressions.

Fig. 3.9. An example of flattening AND/OR expressions.pgsql03.html

3.3.2. Getting the Cheapest Access Path

To get the cheapest access path, the planner estimates the costs of all possible access paths and choices the cheapest one. More specifically, the planner performs the following operations:

  1. Create a RelOptInfo structure to store the access paths and the corresponding costs.

A RelOptInfo structure is created by the make_one_rel() function and is stored in the simple_rel_array of the PlannerInfo structure. Refer to Fig. 3.10. In its initial state, the RelOptInfo holds the baserestrictinfo and the indexlist if related indexes exist; the baserestrictinfo stores the WHERE clauses of the query, and the indexlist stores the related indexes of the target table.

Estimate the costs of all possible access paths, and add the access paths to the RelOptInfo structure.

Details of this processing are as follows:

  1. A path is created, the cost of the sequential scan is estimated and the estimated costs are written into the path. Then, the path is added to the pathlist of the RelOptInfo structure.
  2. If indexes related to the target table exist, index access paths are created, all index scan costs are estimated and the estimated costs are written into the path. Then, the index paths are added to the pathlist.
  3. If the bitmap scan can be done, bitmap scan paths are created, all bitmap scan costs are estimated and the estimated costs are written into the path. Then, the bitmap scan paths are added to the pathlist.

Get the cheapest access path in the pathlist of the RelOptInfo structure.

Estimate LIMIT, ORDER BY and ARREGISFDD costs if necessary.

To understand how the planner performs clearly, two specific examples are shown below. Example 1

First, we explore a simple-single table query without indexes; this query contains both WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.

testdb=# \d tbl_1
     Table "public.tbl_1"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | 
 data   | integer | 

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_1 WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;

Figures 3.10 and 3.11 depict how the planner performs in this example.

Fig. 3.10. How to get the cheapest path of Example 1.

Fig. 3.10. How to get the cheapest path of Example 1.pgsql03.html

  • (1) Create a RelOptInfo structure and store it in the simple_rel_array of the PlannerInfo.
  • (2) Add a WHERE clause to the baserestrictinfo of the RelOptInfo.

A WHERE clause ‘id < 300’ is added to the baserestrictinfo by the distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels() function defined in initsplan.c. In addition, the indexlist of the RelOptInfo is NULL because there are no related indexes of the target table.

(3) Add the pathkey for sorting to the sort_pathkeys of the PlannerInfo by the standard_qp_callback() function defined in planner.c.

Pathkey is a data structure representing the sort ordering for the path. In this example, the column "data" is added to the sort_pathkeys as a pathkey because this query contains an ORDER BY clause and its column is ‘data’.

(4) Create a path structure and estimate the cost of the sequential scan using the cost_seqscan function and write the estimated costs into the path. Then, add the path to the RelOptInfo by the add_path() function defined in pathnode.c.

As mentioned before, the Path structure contains both of the start-up and the total costs which are estimated by the cost_seqscan function, and so on.

In this example, the planner only estimates the sequential scan cost because there are no indexes of the target table; therefore, the cheapest access path is automatically determined.

Fig. 3.11. How to get the cheapest path of Example 1 (continued from Fig. 3.10).

Fig. 3.11. How to get the cheapest path of Example 1 (continued from Fig. 3.10).pgsql03.html

  • (5) Create a new RelOptInfo structure to process the ORDER BY procedure.

Note that the new RelOptInfo does not have the baserestrictinfo, that is, the information of the WHERE clause.

(6) Create a sort path and add it to the new RelOptInfo; then, link the sequential scan path to the subpath of the sort path.

The SortPath structure is composed of two path structures: path and subpath; the path stores information about the sort operation itself, and the subpath stores the cheapest path.

Note that the item ‘parent’ of the sequential scan path holds the link to the old RelOptInfo which stores the WHERE clause in its baserestrictinfo. Therefore, in the next stage, that is, creating a plan tree, the planner can create a sequential scan node that contains the WHERE clause as the ‘Filter’, even though the new RelOptInfo does not have the baserestrictinfo.

Based on the cheapest access path obtained here, a plan tree is generated. Details are described in Section 3.3.3. Example 2

Next, we explore another single-table query with two indexes; this query contains a WHERE clause.

testdb=# \d tbl_2
     Table "public.tbl_2"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | not null
 data   | integer | 
    "tbl_2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "tbl_2_data_idx" btree (data)

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_2 WHERE id < 240;

Figures 3.12 to 3.14 depict how the planner performs in this example.

Fig. 3.13. How to get the cheapest path of Example 2 (continued from Fig. 3.12).

Fig. 3.13. How to get the cheapest path of Example 2 (continued from Fig. 3.12).pgsql03.html

  • (4) Create an IndexPath, estimate the cost of the index scan and add the IndexPath to the pathlist of the RelOptInfo using the add_path() function.

In this example, as there are two indexes, tbl_2_pkey and tbl_2_data_idx, these indexes are processed in order. tbl_2_pkey is processed first.

An IndexPath is created for tbl_2_pkey, and both the start-up and the total costs are estimated. In this example, tbl_2_pkey is the index related to the column ‘id’, and the WHERE clause contains the column ‘id’; therefore, the WHERE clause is stored in the indexclauses of the IndexPath.

Note that when adding access paths to the pathlist, the add_path() function adds paths in the sort order of the total cost. In this example, the total cost of this index scan is smaller than the sequential total cost; thus, this index path is inserted before the sequential scan path.

(5) Create another IndexPath, estimate the cost of other index scans and add the index path to the pathlist of the RelOptInfo.

Next, an IndexPath is created for tbl_2_data_idx, the costs are estimated and this IndexPath is added to the pathlist. In this example, there is no WHERE clause related to the tbl_2_data_idx index; thus, the index clauses are NULL.

Note that the add_path() function does not always add the path. The details are omitted because of the complicated nature of this operation. For details, refer to the comment of the add_path() function.

Fig. 3.14. How to get the cheapest path of Example 2 (continued from Fig. 3.13).

Fig. 3.14. How to get the cheapest path of Example 2 (continued from Fig. 3.13).pgsql03.html

3.3.3. Creating a Plan Tree

At the last stage, the planner generates a plan tree from the cheapest path.

The root of the plan tree is a PlannedStmt structure defined in plannodes.h. While it contains nineteen fields, here are four representative fields.

  • commandType stores a type of operation, such as SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT.
  • rtable stores rangeTable entries.
  • relationOids stores oids of the related tables for this query.
  • plantree stores a plan tree that is composed of plan nodes, where each node corresponds to a specific operation, such as sequential scan, sort and index scan.

As mentioned above, a plan tree is composed of various plan nodes. The PlanNode structure is the base node, and other nodes always contain it. For example, SeqScanNode, which is for sequential scanning, is composed of a PlanNode and an integer variable ‘scanrelid’. A PlanNode contains fourteen fields. The following are seven representative fields.

  • start-up cost and total_cost are the estimated costs of the operation corresponding to this node.
  • rows is the number of rows to be scanned which is estimated by the planner.
  • targetlist stores the target list items contained in the query tree.
  • qual is a list that stores qual conditions.
  • lefttree and righttree are the nodes for adding the children nodes.

In the following, two plan trees, which will be generated from the cheapest paths shown in the examples in the previous subsection, are described. Example 1

The first example is the plan tree of the example in Section The cheapest path shown in Fig. 3.11 is the tree composed of a sort path and a sequential scan path; the root path is the sort path, and the child path is the sequential scan path.

Although detailed explanations are omitted, it will be easy to understand that the plan tree can be almost trivially generated from the cheapest path.

In this example, a SortNode is added to the plantree of the PlannedStmt structure, and a SeqScanNode is added to the lefttree of the SortNode. Refer to Fig. 3.15(a).

Fig. 3.15. Examples of plan trees.

Fig. 3.15. Examples of plan trees.pgsql03.html

In the SortNode,

the lefttree points to the SeqScanNode.

In the SeqScanNode, the qual holds the WHERE clause ‘id < 300’. Example 2

3.4. How the Executor Performs

In single-table queries, the executor takes the plan nodes in an order from the end of the plan tree to the root and then invokes the functions that perform the processing of the corresponding nodes.

Each plan node has functions that are meant for executing the respective operation, and they are located in the src/backend/executor/ directory.

For example, the functions for executing the sequential scan (ScanScan) are defined in nodeSeqscan.c; the functions for executing the index scan (IndexScanNode) are defined in nodeIndexscan.c; the functions for sorting SortNode are defined in nodeSort.c and so on.

Of course, the best way to understand how the executor performs is to read the output of the EXPLAIN command because PostgreSQL's EXPLAIN shows the plan tree almost as it is. It will be explained using Example 1 in Section 3.3.3.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_1 WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Sort (cost=182.34..183.09 rows=300 width=8)
  5. Sort Key: data
  6. -> Seq Scan on tbl_1 (cost=0.00..170.00 rows=300 width=8)
  7. Filter: (id < 300)
  8. (4 rows)

Let us explore how the executor performs. Read the result of the EXPLAIN command from the bottom line to the top line.

  • Line 6: At first, the executor carries out a sequential scan operation using the functions defined in nodeSeqscan.c.
  • Line 4: Next, the executor sorts the result of the sequential scan using the functions defined in nodeSort.c.
Temporary Files

Although the executor uses work_men and temp_buffers, which are allocated in the memory, for query processing, it uses temporary files if processing cannot be performed within only the memory.

Using the ANALYZE option, the EXPLAIN command actually executes the query and displays the true row counts, true run time and the actual memory usage. A specific example is shown below:

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT id, data FROM tbl_25m ORDER BY id;
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Sort (cost=3944070.01..3945895.01 rows=730000 width=4104) (actual time=885.648..1033.746 rows=730000 loops=1)
  5. Sort Key: id
  6. Sort Method: external sort Disk: 10000kB
  7. -> Seq Scan on tbl_25m (cost=0.00..10531.00 rows=730000 width=4104) (actual time=0.024..102.548 rows=730000 loops=1)
  8. Planning time: 1.548 ms
  9. Execution time: 1109.571 ms
  10. (6 rows)

In Line 6, the EXPLAIN command shows that the executor has used a temporary file whose size is 10000kB.

Temporary files are created in the base/pg_tmp subdirectory temporarily, and the naming method is shown below.

{"pgsql_tmp"} + {PID of the postgres process which creates the file} . {sequencial number from 0}

For example, the temporary file ‘pgsql_tmp8903.5’ is the 6th temporary file that is created by the postgres process whose pid is 8903.

$ ls -la /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/pgsql_tmp*
-rw-------  1 postgres  postgres  10240000 12  4 14:18 pgsql_tmp8903.5

3.5. Join Operations

PostgreSQL supports three join operations: nested loop join, merge join and hash join. The nested loop join and the merge join in PostgreSQL have several variations.

In the following, we assume that the reader is familiar with the basic behaviours of these three joins. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, see [1, 2].

However, as there is not much explanation on the hybrid hash join with skew supported by PostgreSQL, it will be explained in more detail here.

Note that the three join methods supported by PostgreSQL can perform all join operations, not only INNER JOIN, but also LEFT/RIGHT OUTER JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN and so on; however, for simplification, we focus on the NATURAL INNER JOIN in this chapter.

3.5.1. Nested Loop Join Nested Loop Join

The nested loop join does not need any start-up operation; thus,

‘start-up cost’=0.

The run cost of the nested loop join is proportional to the product of the size of the outer and the inner tables; that is, the ‘run cost’ is O(Nouter×Ninner), where Nouter and Ninner are the numbers of tuples of the outer table and the inner table, respectively. More precisely, it is defined by the following equation:

‘run cost’=(cpu_operator_cost+cpu_tuple_cost)×Nouter×Ninner+Cinner×Nouter+Couter

where Couter and Cinner are the scanning costs of the outer table and the inner table, respectively.

Fig. 3.16. Nested loop join.

Fig. 3.16. Nested loop join.pgsql03.html

The cost of the nested loop join is always estimated, but this join operation is rarely used because more efficient variations that are described in the following are usually used. Materialized Nested Loop Join

The nested loop join described above has to scan all the tuples of the inner table whenever each tuple of the outer table is read.

As scanning the entire inner table for each outer table tuple is a costly process, PostgreSQL supports the materialized nested loop join to reduce the total scanning cost of the inner table.

Before running a nested loop join, the executor writes the inner table tuples to the work_mem or a temporary file by scanning the inner table once using the temporary tuple storage module described in below. It has a potential to process the inner table tuples more efficiently than using the buffer manager, especially if at least all the tuples are written to work_mem.

Figure 3.17 illustrates how the materialized nested loop join performs. Scanning materialized tuples is internally called rescan.

Fig. 3.17. Materialized nested loop join.

Fig. 3.17. Materialized nested loop join.pgsql03.html

Temporary Tuple Storage

PostgreSQL internally provides a temporary tuple storage module for materializing tables, creating batches in hybrid hash join and so on.

This module is composed of the functions defined in tuplestore.c, and they store and read a sequence of tuples to/from work_mem or temporary files. Whether the work_mem or the temporary files are used depends on the total size of the tuples to be stored.

We explore how the executor processes the plan tree of the materialized nested loop join and how the cost is estimated using the specific example shown below.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b AS b WHERE a.id = b.id;
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Nested Loop (cost=0.00..750230.50 rows=5000 width=16)
  5. Join Filter: (a.id = b.id)
  6. -> Seq Scan on tbl_a a (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)
  7. -> Materialize (cost=0.00..98.00 rows=5000 width=8)
  8. -> Seq Scan on tbl_b b (cost=0.00..73.00 rows=5000 width=8)
  9. (5 rows)

At first, the operation of the executor is shown. The executor processes the displayed plan nodes as follows:

  • Line 7: The executor materializes the inner table tbl_b by sequential scanning (Line 8).
  • Line 4: The executor carries out the nested loop join operation; the outer table is tbl_a and the inner one is the materialized tbl_b.

In what follows, the costs of ‘Materialize’ (Line 7) and ‘Nested Loop’ (Line 4) are estimated. Assume that the materialized inner tuples are stored in the work_mem.


There is no cost to start up; thus,

‘start-up cost’=0.

The run cost is defined by the following equation:

‘run cost’=2×cpu_operator_cost×Ninner;


‘run cost’=2×0.0025×5000=25.0.

In addition,

‘total cost’=(‘start-up cost’+‘total cost of seq scan’)+‘run cost’;


‘total cost’=(0.0+73.0)+25.0=98.0.

(Materialized) Nested Loop:

There is no cost to start up; thus,

‘start-up cost’=0.

Before estimating the run cost, we consider the rescan cost. This cost is defined by the following equation:

‘rescan cost’=cpu_operator_cost×Ninner.

In this case,

‘rescan cost’=(0.0025)×5000=12.5.

The run cost is defined by the following equation:

‘run cost’=(cpu_operator_cost+cpu_tuple_cost)×Ninner×Nouter+‘rescan cost’×(Nouter−1)+Ctotalouter,seqscan+Ctotalmaterialize,

where Ctotalouter,seqscan is the total scan cost of the outer table and Ctotalmaterialize is the total cost of the materialized; therefore,

‘run cost’=(0.0025+0.01)×5000×10000+12.5×(10000−1)+145.0+98.0=750230.5. Indexed Nested Loop Join

If there is an index of the inner table and this index can look up the tuples satisfying the join condition for matching each tuple of the outer table, the planner considers using this index for directly searching the inner table tuples instead of sequential scanning. This variation is called indexed nested loop join; refer to Fig. 3.18. Despite the fact that it referred to the indexed ‘nested loop join’, this algorithm can process on the basis of a single loop of the outer table; therefore, it can perform the join operation efficiently.

Fig. 3.18. Indexed nested loop join.

Fig. 3.18. Indexed nested loop join.pgsql03.html

A specific example of the indexed nested loop join is shown below.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_c AS c, tbl_b AS b WHERE c.id = b.id;
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Nested Loop (cost=0.29..1935.50 rows=5000 width=16)
  5. -> Seq Scan on tbl_b b (cost=0.00..73.00 rows=5000 width=8)
  6. -> Index Scan using tbl_c_pkey on tbl_c c (cost=0.29..0.36 rows=1 width=8)
  7. Index Cond: (id = b.id)
  8. (4 rows)

In Line 6, the cost of accessing a tuple of the inner table is displayed. This is the cost of looking up the inner table if the tuple satisfies the index condition (id = b.id) shown in Line 7.

In the index condition (id = b.id) in Line 7, ‘b.id’ is the value of the outer table's attribute used in the join condition. Whenever a tuple of the outer table is retrieved by sequential scanning, the index scan path in Line 6 looks up the inner tuples to be joined. In other words, whenever the outer table's value is passed as a parameter, this index scan path looks up the inner tuples that satisfy the join condition. Such an index path is called a parameterized (index) path. Details are described in README.

The start-up cost of this nested loop join is equal to the cost of the index scan in Line 6; thus,

 ‘start-up cost’=0.285.

The total cost of the indexed nested loop join is defined by the following equation:

 ‘total cost’=(cpu_tuple_cost+Ctotalinner,parameterized)×Nouter+Crunouter,seqscan,

where Ctotalinner,parameterized is the total cost of the parameterized inner index scan.

In this case,

 ‘total cost’=(0.01+0.3625)×5000+73.0=1935.5,

and the run cost is

‘run cost’=1935.5−0.285=1935.215.

As shown above, the total cost of the indexed nested loop is O(Nouter). Other Variations

If there is an index of the outer table and its attributes are involved in the join condition, it can be used for the index scanning instead of the sequential scan of the outer table.

In particular, if there is an index whose attribute can be an access predicate in the WHERE clause, the search range of the outer table is narrowed; therefore, the cost of the nested loop join may be drastically reduced.

PostgreSQL supports three variations of the nested loop join with an outer index scan. Refer to Fig. 3.19.

Fig. 3.19. The three variations of the nested loop join with an outer index scan.

Fig. 3.19. The three variations of the nested loop join with an outer index scan.pgsql03.html

The results of these joins' EXPLAIN are shown here.

3.5.2. Merge Join

Unlike the nested loop join, merge join can be only used in natural joins and equi-joins.

The cost of the merge join is estimated by the initial_cost_mergejoin() and final_cost_mergejoin() functions.

As the exact cost estimation is complicated, it is omitted and only the runtime order of the merge join algorithm is shown. The start-up cost of the merge join is the sum of sorting costs of both inner and outer tables; thus, the start-up cost is O(Nouterlog2(Nouter)+Ninnerlog2(Ninner)), where Nouter and Ninner are the number of tuples of the outer and inner tables, respectively. The run cost is O(Nouter+Ninner).

Similar to the nested loop join, the merge join in PostgreSQL has four variations. Merge Join

Figure 3.20 shows a conceptual illustration of a merge join.

Fig. 3.20. Merge join.

Fig. 3.20. Merge join.pgsql03.html

If all tuples can be stored in memory, the sorting operations will be able to be carried out in the memory itself; otherwise, temporary files are used.

A specific example of the EXPLAIN command's result of the merge join is shown below.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b AS b WHERE a.id = b.id AND b.id < 1000;
  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Merge Join (cost=944.71..984.71 rows=1000 width=16)
  5. Merge Cond: (a.id = b.id)
  6. -> Sort (cost=809.39..834.39 rows=10000 width=8)
  7. Sort Key: a.id
  8. -> Seq Scan on tbl_a a (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)
  9. -> Sort (cost=135.33..137.83 rows=1000 width=8)
  10. Sort Key: b.id
  11. -> Seq Scan on tbl_b b (cost=0.00..85.50 rows=1000 width=8)
  12. Filter: (id < 1000)
  13. (9 rows)
  • Line 9: The executor sorts the inner table tbl_b using sequential scanning (Line 11).
  • Line 6: The executor sorts the outer table tbl_a using sequential scanning (Line 8).
  • Line 4: The executor carries out a merge join operation; the outer table is the sorted tbl_a and the inner one is the sorted tbl_b. Materialized Merge Join

Same as in the nested loop join, the merge join also supports the materialized merge join to materialize the inner table to make the inner table scan more efficient.

Fig. 3.21. Materialized merge join.

Fig. 3.21. Materialized merge join.pgsql03.html

An example of the result of the materialized merge join is shown. It is easy to find that the difference from the merge join result above is Line 9: ‘Materialize’.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b AS b WHERE a.id = b.id;
  3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Merge Join (cost=10466.08..10578.58 rows=5000 width=2064)
  5. Merge Cond: (a.id = b.id)
  6. -> Sort (cost=6708.39..6733.39 rows=10000 width=1032)
  7. Sort Key: a.id
  8. -> Seq Scan on tbl_a a (cost=0.00..1529.00 rows=10000 width=1032)
  9. -> Materialize (cost=3757.69..3782.69 rows=5000 width=1032)
  10. -> Sort (cost=3757.69..3770.19 rows=5000 width=1032)
  11. Sort Key: b.id
  12. -> Seq Scan on tbl_b b (cost=0.00..1193.00 rows=5000 width=1032)
  13. (9 rows)
  • Line 10: The executor sorts the inner table tbl_b using sequential scanning (Line 12).
  • Line 9: The executor materializes the result of the sorted tbl_b.
  • Line 6: The executor sorts the outer table tbl_a using sequential scanning (Line 8).
  • Line 4: The executor carries out a merge join operation; the outer table is the sorted tbl_a and the inner one is the materialized sorted tbl_b. Other Variations

3.5.3. Hash Join

Similar to the merge join, the hash join can be only used in natural joins and equi-joins.

The hash join in PostgreSQL behaves differently depending on the sizes of the tables. If the target table is small enough (more precisely, the size of the inner table is 25% or less of work_mem), it will be a simple two-phase in-memory hash join; otherwise, the hybrid hash join is used with the skew method.

In this subsection, the execution of both hash joins in PostgreSQL is described.

Discussion of the cost estimation has been omitted because it is complicated. Roughly speaking, the start-up and run costs are O(Nouter+Ninner) if assuming there is no conflict when searching and inserting into a hash table. In-Memory Hash Join

In this subsection, the in-memory hash join is described.

This in-memory hash join is processed on work_mem, and the hash table area is called a batch in PostgreSQL. A batch has hash slots, internally called buckets, and the number of buckets is determined by the ExecChooseHashTableSize() function defined in nodeHash.c; the number of buckets is always 2n, where n is an integer.

The in-memory hash join has two phases: the build and the probe phases. In the build phase, all tuples of the inner table are inserted into a batch; in the probe phase, each tuple of the outer table is compared with the inner tuples in the batch and joined if the join condition is satisfied.

A specific example is shown to clearly understand this operation. Assume that the query shown below is executed using a hash join.

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_outer AS outer, tbl_inner AS inner WHERE inner.attr1 = outer.attr2;

In the following, the operation of a hash join is shown. Refer to Figs. 3.23 and 3.24.

Fig. 3.23. The build phase in the in-memory hash join.

Fig. 3.23. The build phase in the in-memory hash join.pgsql03.html

  • (1) Create a batch on work_mem.

In this example, the batch has eight buckets; that is, the number of buckets is 2 to the 3rd power.

(2) Insert the first tuple of the inner table into the corresponding bucket of the batch.

The details are given below:

  • 1. Calculate the hash-key of the first tuple's attribute which is involved in the join condition.

In this example, the hash-key of the attribute ‘attr1’ of the first tuple is calculated using the built-in hash function, because the WHERE clause is ‘inner.attr1 = outer.attr2’.

2. Insert the first tuple into the corresponding bucket.

Assume that the hash-key of the first tuple is ‘0x000…001’ by binary notation; that is, the last three bits are ‘001’. In this case, this tuple is inserted into the bucket for which the key is ‘001’.

In this document, such insertion operation to build a batch is represented by this operator: ⊕

(3) Insert the remaining tuples of the inner table.

Fig. 3.24. The probe phase in the in-memory hash join.

Fig. 3.24. The probe phase in the in-memory hash join.pgsql03.html

  • (4) Probe the first tuple of the outer table.

The details are given below:

  • 1. Calculate the hash-key of the first tuple's attribute which is involved in the join condition of the outer table.

In this example, assume that the hash-key of the first tuple's attribute ‘attr2’ is ‘0x000…100’; that is, the last three bits are ‘100’.

2. Compare the first tuple of the outer table with the inner tuples in the batch and join tuples if the join condition is satisfied.

Because the last three bits of the hash-key of the first tuple are ‘100’, the executor retrieves the tuples belonging to the bucket whose key is ‘100’ and compares both values of the respective attributes of the tables specified by the join condition (defined by the WHERE clause).

If the join condition is satisfied, the first tuple of the outer table and the corresponding tuple of the inner table will be joined; otherwise, the executor does not do anything.

In this example, the bucket whose key is ‘100’ has Tuple_C. If the attr1 of Tuple_C is equal to the attr2 of the first tuple (Tuple_W), then Tuple_C and Tuple_W will be joined and saved to memory or a temporary file.

In this document, such operation to probe a batch is represented by this operator: ⊗

(5) Probe the remaining tuples of the outer table. Hybrid Hash Join with Skew

When the tuples of the inner table cannot be stored into one batch in work_mem, PostgreSQL uses the hybrid hash join with the skew algorithm, which is a variation based on the hybrid hash join.

At first, the basic concept of the hybrid hash join is described. In the first build and probe phases, PostgreSQL prepares multiple batches. The number of batches is the same as the number of buckets, determined by the ExecChooseHashTableSize() function; it is always 2m, where m is an integer. At this stage, only one batch is allocated in work_mem and the other batches are created as temporary files; and the tuples belonging to these batches are written to the corresponding files and saved using the temporary tuple storage feature.

Figure 3.25 illustrates how tuples are stored in four (=22) batches. In this case, which batch stores each tuple is determined by the first two bits of the last 5 bits of the tuple's hash-key, because the sizes of the buckets and batches are 23 and 22, respectively. Batch_0 stores the tuples whose last 5 bits of the hash-key are between ‘00000’ and ‘00111’, Batch_1 stores the tuples whose last 5 bits of the hash-key are between ‘01000’ and ‘01111’ and so on.

In the hybrid hash join, the build and probe phases are performed the same number of times as the number of batches, because the inner and outer tables are stored in the same number of batches. In the first round of the build and probe phases, not only is every batch created, but also the first batches of both the inner and the outer tables are processed. On the other hand, the processing of the second and subsequent rounds needs writing and reloading to/from the temporary files, so these are costly processes. Therefore, PostgreSQL also prepares a special batch called skew to process many tuples more efficiently in the first round.

The skew batch stores the inner table tuples that will be joined with the outer table tuples whose MCV values of the attribute involved in the join condition are relatively large. However, because this explanation is not easy to understand, it will be explained using a specific example.

Assume that there are two tables: customers and purchase_history.

The customers’ table is composed of two attributes: a name and his/her address; the purchase_history table is composed of two attributes: customer_name and purchased_item. The customers’ table has 10,000 rows, and the purchase_history table has 1,000,000 rows. The top 10% customers have purchased 70% of all items.

Under these assumptions, let us consider how the hybrid hash join with skew performs in the first round when the query shown below is executed.

testdb=# SELECT * FROM customers AS c, purchase_history AS h WHERE c.name = h.customer_name;

If the customers’ table is inner and the purchase_history is outer, the top 10% customers are stored in the skew batch using the MCV values of the purchase_history table. Note that the outer table's MCV values are referenced to insert the inner table tuples into the skew batch.

In the probe phase of the first round, 70% of the tuples of the outer table (purchase_history) will be joined with the tuples stored in the skew batch.

This way, the more non-uniform of the outer table distribution, it can be processed many tuples of the outer table in the first round.

In the following, the working of the hybrid hash join with skew is shown. Refer to Figs. 3.26 to 3.29.

Fig. 3.26. The build phase of the hybrid hash join in the first round.

Fig. 3.26. The build phase of the hybrid hash join in the first round.pgsql03.html

  • (1) Create a batch and a skew batch on work_mem.
  • (2) Create temporary batch files for storing the inner table tuples.

In this example, three batch files are created because the inner table will be divided by four batches.

(3) Perform the build operation for the first tuple of the inner table.

The detail are described below:

  • 1. If the first tuple should be inserted into the skew batch, do it; otherwise, proceed to 2.

In the example explained above, if the first tuple is one of the top 10% customers, it is inserted into the skew batch.

2. Calculate the hash-key of the first tuple and then insert the corresponding batch.

(4) Perform the build operation for the remaining tuples of the inner table.

Fig. 3.27. The probe phase of the hybrid hash join in the first round.

Fig. 3.27. The probe phase of the hybrid hash join in the first round.pgsql03.html

  • (5) Create temporary batch files for storing the outer table tuples.
  • (6) If the MCV value of the first tuple is large, perform a probe operation with the skew batch; otherwise, proceed to (7).

In the example explained above, if the first tuple is the purchase data of the top 10% customers, it is compared with the tuples in the skew batch.

(7) Perform the probe operation of the first tuple.

Depending on the hash-key value of the first tuple, the following process is performed:

  • If the first tuple belongs to Batch_0, perform the probe operation.
  • Otherwise, insert into the corresponding batch.

(8) Perform the probe operation from the remaining tuples of the outer table. Note that, in the example, 70% of the tuples of the outer table have been processed by the skew in the first round without writing and reading to/from temporary files.

Fig. 3.28. The build and probe phases in the second round.

Fig. 3.28. The build and probe phases in the second round.pgsql03.html

  • (9) Remove the skew batch and clear Batch_0 to prepare the second round.
  • (10) Perform the build operation from the batch file ‘batch_1_in’.
  • (11) Perform the probe operation for tuples which are stored in the batch file ‘batch_1_out’.

Fig. 3.29. The build and probe phases in the third and the last rounds.

Fig. 3.29. The build and probe phases in the third and the last rounds.pgsql03.html

  • (12) Perform build and probe operations using batch files ‘batch_2_in’ and ‘batch_2_out’.
  • (13) Perform build and probe operations using batch files ‘batch_3_in’ and ‘batch_3_out’. Index Scans in Hash Join

Hash join in PostgreSQL uses index scans if possible. A specific example is shown below.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts AS a, pgbench_branches AS b
  2. testdb-# WHERE a.bid = b.bid AND a.aid BETWEEN 100 AND 1000;
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Hash Join (cost=1.88..51.93 rows=865 width=461)
  6. Hash Cond: (a.bid = b.bid)
  7. -> Index Scan using pgbench_accounts_pkey on pgbench_accounts a (cost=0.43..47.73 rows=865 width=97)
  8. Index Cond: ((aid >= 100) AND (aid <= 1000))
  9. -> Hash (cost=1.20..1.20 rows=20 width=364)
  10. -> Seq Scan on pgbench_branches b (cost=0.00..1.20 rows=20 width=364)
  11. (6 rows)
  • Line 7: In the probe phase, PostgreSQL uses the index scan when scanning the pgbench_accounts table because there is a condition of the column `aid` which has the index in the WHERE clause.

3.5.4. Join Access Paths and Join Nodes Join Access Paths Join Nodes

3.6. Creating the Plan Tree of Multiple-Table Query

3.6.1. Preprocessing

The subquery_planner() function defined in planner.c invokes preprocessing.

The preprocessing for single-table queries has already been described in Section 3.3.1. In this subsection, the preprocessing for a multiple-table query will be described; however, although there are many, only some parts are described.

  1. Planning and Converting CTE

If there are WITH lists, the planner processes each WITH query by the SS_process_ctes() function.

Pulling Subqueries Up

If the FROM clause has a subquery and it does not have GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, LIMIT and DISTINCT clauses, and also it does not use INTERSECT or EXCEPT, the planner converts to a join form by the pull_up_subqueries() function. For example, the query shown below which contains a subquery in the FROM clause can be converted to a natural join query. Needless to say, this conversion is done in the query tree.

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, (SELECT * FROM tbl_b) as b WHERE a.id = b.id;
testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b as b WHERE a.id = b.id;

Transforming an Outer Join to an Inner Join

The planner transforms an outer join query to an inner join query if possible.

3.6.2. Getting the Cheapest Path

To get the optimal plan tree, the planner has to consider the combinations of all of the indexes and join methods possibilities. This is a very expensive process and it will be infeasible if the number of tables exceeds a certain level because of a combinational explosion. Fortunately, if the number of tables is smaller than around 12, the planner can get the optimal plan by applying dynamic programming. Otherwise, the planner uses the genetic algorithm. Refer to the below.

Genetic Query Optimizer

When a query joining many tables is executed, a huge amount of time will be needed to optimize the query plan.

To deal with this situation, PostgreSQL implements an interesting feature: the Genetic Query Optimizer. This is a kind of approximate algorithm to determine a reasonable plan within a reasonable time.

Hence, in the query optimization stage, if the number of the joining tables is higher than the threshold specified by the parameter geqo_threshold (the default is 12), PostgreSQL generates a query plan using the genetic algorithm.

Determination of the optimal plan tree by dynamic programming can be explained by the following steps:

  • Level = 1

Get the cheapest path of each table; the cheapest path is stored in the respective RelOptInfo.

Level = 2

Get the cheapest path for each combination that selects two from all the tables.

For example, if there are two tables, A and B, get the cheapest join path of tables A and B, and this is the final answer.

In the following, the RelOptInfo of two tables is represented by {A, B}.

If there are three tables, get the cheapest path for each of {A, B}, {A, C} and {B, C}.

Level = 3 and higher

The same processing is continued until the level that equals the number of tables is reached.

This way, the cheapest paths of the partial problems are obtained at each level and are used to get the upper level's calculation. This makes it possible to calculate the cheapest plan tree efficiently.

Fig. 3.31. How to get the cheapest access path using dynamic programming.

Fig. 3.31. How to get the cheapest access path using dynamic programming.pgsql03.html

In the following, the process of how the planner gets the cheapest plan of the following query is described.

testdb=# \d tbl_a
     Table "public.tbl_a"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | not null
 data   | integer | 
    "tbl_a_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

testdb=# \d tbl_b
     Table "public.tbl_b"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | 
 data   | integer | 

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b AS b WHERE a.id = b.id AND b.data < 400; Processing in Level 1

In Level 1, the planner creates a RelOptInfo structure and estimates the cheapest costs for each relation in the query. There, RelOptInfo structures are added to the simple_rel_arrey of the PlannerInfo of this query.

Fig. 3.32. The PlannerInfo and RelOptInfo after processing in Level 1.

Fig. 3.32. The PlannerInfo and RelOptInfo after processing in Level 1.pgsql03.html

The RelOptInfo of tbl_a has three access paths, which are added to the pathlist of the RelOptInfo, and they are linked to three cheapest cost paths, that is, the cheapest start-up (cost) path, the cheapest total (cost) path, and the cheapest parameterized (cost) path. As the cheapest start-up and total cost paths are obvious, the cost of the cheapest parameterized index scan path will be described.

As described in Section, the planner considers the use of the parameterized path for the indexed nested loop join (and rarely the indexed merge join with an outer index scan). The cheapest parameterized cost is the cheapest cost of the estimated parameterized paths.

The RelOptInfo of tbl_b only has a sequential scan access path because tbl_b does not have a related index. Processing in Level 2

In Level 2, a RelOptInfo structure is created and added to the join_rel_list of the PlannerInfo. Then, the costs of all possible join paths are estimated, and the best access path, whose total cost is the cheapest, is selected. The RelOptInfo stores the best access path as the cheapest total cost path. Refer to Fig. 3.33.

Fig. 3.33. The PlannerInfo and RelOptInfo after processing in Level 2.

Fig. 3.33. The PlannerInfo and RelOptInfo after processing in Level 2.pgsql03.html

Table 3.1 shows all combinations of join access paths in this example. The query of this example is an equi-join type; therefore, all the three join methods are estimated. For convenience, some notations of access paths are introduced:

  • SeqScanPath(table) means the sequential scan path of table.
  • Materialized->SeqScanPath(table) means the materialized sequential scan path of a table.
  • IndexScanPath(table, attribute) means the index scan path by the attribute of the a table.
  • ParameterizedIndexScanPath(table, attribute1, attribute2) means the parameterized index path by the attribute1 of the table, and it is parameterized by attribute2 of the outer table.

Table 3.1: All combinations of join access paths in this example

Outer PathInner Path

Nested Loop Join

1SeqScanPath(tbl_a) SeqScanPath(tbl_b)

2SeqScanPath(tbl_a) Materialized->SeqScanPath(tbl_b) Materialized nested loop join

3IndexScanPath(tbl_a,id) SeqScanPath(tbl_b) Nested loop join with outer index scan

4IndexScanPath(tbl_a,id) Materialized->SeqScanPath(tbl_b) Materialized nested loop join with outer index scan

5SeqScanPath(tbl_b) SeqScanPath(tbl_a)

6SeqScanPath(tbl_b) Materialized->SeqScanPath(tbl_a) Materialized nested loop join

7SeqScanPath(tbl_b) ParametalizedIndexScanPath(tbl_a, id, tbl_b.id) Indexed nested loop join

Merge Join

1SeqScanPath(tbl_a) SeqScanPath(tbl_b)

2IndexScanPath(tbl_a,id) SeqScanPath(tbl_b) Merge join with outer index scan

3SeqScanPath(tbl_b) SeqScanPath(tbl_a)

Hash Join

1SeqScanPath(tbl_a) SeqScanPath(tbl_b)

2SeqScanPath(tbl_b) SeqScanPath(tbl_a)

For example, in the nested loop join, seven join paths are estimated. The first one indicates that the outer and inner paths are the sequential scan paths of tbl_a and tbl_b, respectively; the second indicates that the outer path is the sequential scan path of tbl_a and the inner path is the materialized sequential scan path of tbl_b; and so on.

The planner finally selects the cheapest access path from the estimated join paths, and the cheapest path is added to the pathlist of the RelOptInfo {tbl_a,tbl_b}. Refer to Fig. 3.33.

In this example, as shown in the result of EXPLAIN below, the planner selects the hash join whose inner and outer tables are tbl_b and tbl_c.

  1. testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_b AS b, tbl_c AS c WHERE c.id = b.id AND b.data < 400;
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Hash Join (cost=90.50..277.00 rows=400 width=16)
  5. Hash Cond: (c.id = b.id)
  6. -> Seq Scan on tbl_c c (cost=0.00..145.00 rows=10000 width=8)
  7. -> Hash (cost=85.50..85.50 rows=400 width=8)
  8. -> Seq Scan on tbl_b b (cost=0.00..85.50 rows=400 width=8)
  9. Filter: (data < 400)
  10. (6 rows)

3.6.3. Getting the Cheapest Path of a Triple-Table Query

Obtaining the cheapest path of a query involving three tables is given below:

testdb=# \d tbl_a
     Table "public.tbl_a"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | 
 data   | integer | 

testdb=# \d tbl_b
     Table "public.tbl_b"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | 
 data   | integer | 

testdb=# \d tbl_c
     Table "public.tbl_c"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | not null
 data   | integer | 
    "tbl_c_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

testdb=# SELECT * FROM tbl_a AS a, tbl_b AS b, tbl_c AS c 
testdb-#                WHERE a.id = b.id AND b.id = c.id AND a.data < 40;

Level 1:

The planner estimates the cheapest paths of all tables and stores this information in the corresponding RelOptInfos: {tbl_a}, {tbl_b} and {tbl_c}.

Level 2:

The planner picks all the combinations of pair of three tables and estimates the cheapest path for each combination; the planner then stores the information in the corresponding RelOptInfos: {tbl_a, tbl_b}, {tbl_b, tbl_c} and {tbl_a, tbl_c}.

Level 3:

The planner finally gets the cheapest path using the already obtained RelOptInfos.

More precisely,

the planner considers three combinations of RelOptInfos: {tbl_a, {tbl_b, tbl_c}}, {tbl_b, {tbl_a, tbl_c}} and {tbl_c, {tbl_a, tbl_b}}, because {tbl_a, tbl_b, tbl_c} is shown below:


The planner then estimates the costs of all possible join paths in them.

In the RelOptInfo {tbl_c, {tbl_a, tbl_b}}, the planner estimates all the combinations of tbl_c and the cheapest path of {tbl_a, tbl_b}, which is the hash join whose inner and outer tables are tbl_a and tbl_b, respectively, in this example. The estimated join paths will contain three kinds of join paths and their variations, such as shown in the previous subsection, that is, the nested loop join and its variations, the merge join and its variations, and the hash join.

The planner processes the RelOptInfos {tbl_a, {tbl_b, tbl_c}} and {tbl_b, {tbl_a, tbl_c}} in the same way and finally selects the cheapest access path from all the estimated paths.

The result of the EXPLAIN command of this query is shown below:


The outermost join is the indexed nested loop join (Line 5); the inner parameterized index scan is shown in Line 13 and the outer relation is the result of the hash join whose inner and outer tables are tbl_b and tbl_a, respectively (Lines 7-12). Therefore, the executor at first executes the hash join of tbl_a and tbl_b and then executes the indexed nested loop join.


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