These puzzles give you a chance to win $1 million dollars

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/763143/the-one-million-dollar-puzzle/
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These puzzles give you a chance to win $1 million dollars

This puzzle gives you a chance to win a million dollars.Put this puzzle together and you could win big!
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

Probably one of the only ways to make puzzles better is to have a chance to win a million dollars once you solve one. That’s exactly what you get from The One Million Dollar Puzzle by Mschf.

Just solve the puzzle, scan the code, and you’ll be entered to win cash prizes. For a limited time, you can get one, two, three, six or 10 Million Dollar Puzzles on sale!

This puzzle is money

The One Million Dollar Puzzle by Mschf is kind of like if you combined a scratch-off lottery ticket with a board game. You get the anticipation of potentially winning anything from 25 cents to $1 million. And you get the satisfaction of a pretty fun build.

Give a puzzle to your quiet grandmother or to your studious friends. Either way, the chance to win a million dollars offers a fun way to spend an afternoon doing something that’s already fun on its own.

To win, all you have to do is assemble your puzzle. Then, scan the QR code it reveals, and enter the secret prize code in your puzzle box. Whether you win a quarter, a million dollars, or just a nice way to spend an afternoon, you will have some fun. Prizes go out directly via PayPal or Venmo.

Despite the money factor, many people in the Amazon reviews found themselves satisfied with the challenge of the puzzle itself. Plus, the potential for a big win should motivate you to finish the puzzle.

Save on The One Million Dollar Puzzle

This deal ends on January 11, so your time is limited if you want to get these puzzles on sale and potentially get an even bigger return on your investment. Until then, you can get one ($24.99), two ($46.99), three ($75.99), six ($139.99) or 10 ($229.99) of The One Million Dollar Puzzles by Mschf on sale for 16% to 23% off.

Prices subject to change.

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