iSpyPen Pro: Secretly record audio, video with 10% off awesome spy pen

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/762320/ispypen-pro/
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Secretly record audio and video with 10% off these stealthy spy pens

iSpyPen Pro: Grab 10% off this two-pack of camera pens and live out your super-spy dreams.Grab 10% off this two-pack of camera pens and live out your super-spy dreams.
Photo: Cult of Mac Deals

It’s OK to admit it: Our love of the latest tech is essentially spurred by our desire to have a cabinet full of James Bond-worthy spy gadgets. But did you know that those awesome super-spy inventions aren’t just the stuff of fiction?

You can grab a two-pack of these iSpyPen Pros — which look like a normal writing implement but give you 007-style capabilities on sale for just $114.99. That’s a 10% discount off the regular price of $129.

A spy pen you can afford

Much more than just a working pen (though that’s all it appears to be on the surface), the iSpy is also a high-definition camera and audio recorder, with an impressive 128GB of internal storage. So, whether you want to covertly record spy missions or mystery shopping sessions, or simply want to use all the benefits of a pen-turned-recorder with storage for meetings and taking notes, this cool gadget delivers the goods.

It features a camera that James Bond’s Q would be proud of, too. Disguised within this pen is a 1920 x 1080 full HD camera. You can be sure the images and videos it captures will be of super-high quality. You can even use an optional timestamp to overlay the date and time a picture was taken.

The iSpy also comes with an immense battery life. Fully charged, the device boasts a 75-minute battery for recording even the longest of exchanges. Simply plug in, power up and you’re good to go.

What really sets this spy pen apart from the competition is its accessibility. Despite its range of useful secret features, you don’t need CIA training to get to grips with it. With this great pen, recordings couldn’t be easier, making this a great gadget for all ages, regardless of their technical background or spy experience.

Save on iSpyPen Pro

Right now, this deal is good on a range of colors. Choose between sleek all-black or black-and-silver designs for the same sale price of $114.99. And because this deal gives you a two-pack of the latest 2021 model, you can even keep one and give one to a friend for the most awesome gift ever.

Plus, it comes highly recommended, having been featured in top publications including Fox, NBC, iHeartRadio and more.

Finally realize your dreams of becoming a super spy with the iSpyPen Pro 2021 Model – 128GB/24-Hour Storage (2-pack) in black or black and silver, on sale with 10% off for $114.99 (regularly $129).

Prices subject to change.

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