Add `unnecessary_to_owned` lint by smoelius · Pull Request #7978 · rust-lang/rus...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/pull/7978
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smoelius commented on Nov 16, 2021

This PR adds a lint to check for unnecessary calls to ToOwned::to_owned and other similar functions (e.g., Cow::into_owned, ToString::to_string, etc.).

The lint checks for expressions of the form &receiver.to_owned_like() used in a position requiring type &T where one of the following is true:

  • receiver's type is T exactly
  • receiver's type implements Deref<Target = T>
  • receiver's type implements AsRef<T>

The lint additionally checks for expressions of the form receiver.to_owned_like() used as arguments of type impl AsRef<T>.

It would be nice if the lint could also check for expressions used as arguments to functions like the following:

fn foo<T: AsRef<str>>(x: T) { ... }

However, I couldn't figure out how to determine whether a function input type was instantiated from a parameter with a trait bound.

If someone could offer me some guidance, I would be happy to add such functionality.

Closes #7933

changelog: Add [unnecessary_to_owned] lint

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