Respect `read_max` flag when hashing using ssdeep by sharvilshah · Pull Request...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/osquery/osquery/pull/7367
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sharvilshah commented on Oct 28, 2021


Current Behaviour: all the columns of hash table respect the read_max parameter, except ssdeep one:

$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/temp100m bs=1m count=100

osquery> select * from file where path = '/tmp/temp100m';
      path = /tmp/temp100m
 directory = /tmp
  filename = temp100m
     inode = 23579345
       uid = 501
       gid = 0
      mode = 0644
    device = 0
      size = 104857600
block_size = 4096
     atime = 1635514968
     mtime = 1635514957
     ctime = 1635514957
     btime = 1635514957
hard_links = 1
   symlink = 0
      type = regular
 bsd_flags =

osquery> select * from hash where path = '/tmp/temp100m';
W1029 19:13:48.575589 319819264 filesystem.cpp:140] Cannot read /tmp/temp100m size exceeds limit: 104857600 > 52428800
     path = /tmp/temp100m
directory = /tmp
      md5 =
     sha1 =
   sha256 =
   ssdeep = 3145728:9YMq2A0dZIz0Dekp7/29h9o4RKocGQZhWAQg+u2zsZRvGc:+N0d+zkeOKRKCQZEwbvGc

This change will make ssdeep respect the read_max parameter too:

osquery> select * from hash where path = '/tmp/temp100m';
W1029 19:25:40.648039 469794304 filesystem.cpp:140] Cannot read /tmp/temp100m size exceeds limit: 104857600 > 52428800
W1029 19:25:40.648102 469794304 glog_logger.cpp:34] ssdeep failed because file size exceeds read_max: /tmp/temp100m
     path = /tmp/temp100m
directory = /tmp
      md5 =
     sha1 =
   sha256 =
   ssdeep =

This was previously discussed in office hours: https://github.com/osquery/foundation/blob/master/docs/office-hours/20210622_meeting_notes.md#read_max-parameter-and-ssdeep

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