Function Pointer Cast Handling in Pyodide

 2 years ago
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Function Pointer Cast Handling in Pyodide

Why previous versions of Pyodide had a low recursion limit and how the upcoming version 0.19 supports a much higher one.
December 21, 2021 · 14 min · Hood Chatham | Suggest Changes
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In the upcoming release of Pyodide version 0.19, we finally support the Python default recursion limit of 1000. We also attain a speed boost of somewhere between 10 and 20 percent. The code size was reduced by 25% from 12 megabytes to 9.1 megabytes. These gains came from this pull request which changed the way we handle function pointer casts.

Here is a plot showing the improvements in recursion depth:

Recursion limit and depth to segmentation fault


Tested with Chrome version 96 and Firefox version 93

The “limit” bars show how we set the default recursion limit. The “segfault” bars show how many calls it takes to cause a segmentation fault with the following code:

import sys; sys.setrecursionlimit(100_000)
def f(n):

Different Python stack frames can take widely variable amounts of stack space, so this benchmark is not perfect, but it gives a rough estimate of how much recursion we can support.

In prior versions of Pyodide there were code paths with many big stack frames that caused segmentation faults before hitting the recursion limit. In upcoming version 0.19, we have plenty of extra stack space left over so hopefully we won’t see any stack overflows.


We would like to thank Joe Marshall for his valuable contributions in this area. We would also like to thank the Emscripten team, who are unfailingly helpful. Without Emscripten, Pyodide could not exist.

Some history#

When I first started using Pyodide in summer 2020, my plan was to use it to display certain niche mathematical charts. I hacked the Monaco editor to make it behave like a REPL, and then connected Jedi to Monaco intellisense so that interactive documentation for my custom chart API could appear in the REPL as the user typed. This did not go as planned because of recursion errors. The following code reproduces the problem:

import jedi
import numpy
jedi.Interpreter("numpy.in1d([1,2,3],[2]).", [globals()]).complete()

Run this in Pyodide v0.16 in Chrome and you will see “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded”. In Pyodide v0.16, there is only enough stack space for a call depth of 120. Jedi needs more than this.

How much stack space are we working with?#

In Chromium, the stack is 984 kilobytes. In Firefox, the stack size is several times larger. However, for some reason Python function calls takes up significanly more space in Firefox. Firefox still comes out ahead overall, but the difference isn’t as large as it looks like it would be based on stack size alone.

In any case, 984 kilobytes is a significant amount of space. Just what is happening that Jedi uses that much space in 120 Python call frames? That is an average of more than 8 kilobytes per call frame!

The cause of the large stack usage: function pointer cast emulation!#

The poor stack performance has to do with the ABI for calling function pointers. When there is a stack overflow in Pyodide v0.17, we will see a long repeating sequence consisting of the following call frames:

at pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[767]:0x1cb77c
at _PyFunction_Vectorcall (pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[768]:0x1cb878)
at byn$fpcast-emu$_PyFunction_Vectorcall (pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[14749]:0x7a3736)
at pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[2764]:0x2ac6ae
at _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[2758]:0x2a980f)
at byn$fpcast-emu$_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[15508]:0x7a61f3)
at PyEval_EvalFrameEx (pyodide.asm.wasm:wasm-function[2757]:0x2a4693)

The functions byn$fpcast-emu$_PyFunction_Vectorcall and byn$fpcast-emu$_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault emulate function pointer casts. In other words, they are there to handle the case where we’ve called PyFunction_Vectorcall or PyEval_EvalFrameDefault with the wrong number of arguments. They also are slow and waste a huge amount of stack space. (The byn$ prefix indicates that these functions don’t come from a function in the source code, but were instead generated by a code transformation on the finished web assembly binary by a tool called Binaryen.)

Why are there function pointer casts?#

Many popular Python packages are written partially in C for performance reasons. Python comes with several possible conventions for calling a C function from Python. For example, a typical calling convention is METH_VARARGS which allows a function to be invoked with zero or more positional arguments which are passed as a tuple. No keyword arguments are allowed. The C function must be declared to take two arguments: a self argument which will be the Python function object and an args argument which is the tuple of arguments:

static PyObject* 
my_varargs_function(PyObject *self, PyObject *args_tuple){
   // Unpack args_tuple, then do stuff

A second common calling convention is METH_NOARGS which is for zero argument functions. Surprisingly, the METH_NOARGS C function is still supposed to take two arguments:

static PyObject* 
my_noargs_function(PyObject *self, PyObject *_always_null){
    // Do something with self, _always_null is always null.

Many people writing Python C extensions write their METH_NOARGS functions instead like this:

static PyObject* 
my_noargs_function2(PyObject *self){
    // Do something

where my_noargs_function2 has no second argument. They then cast my_noargs_function2 to a function of two arguments and the Python interpreter calls it like my_noargs_function2(self, NULL).

Section, paragraph 8 of the C standard reads:

A pointer to a function of one type may be converted to a pointer to a function of another type and back again; the result shall compare equal to the original pointer. If a converted pointer is used to call a function whose type is not compatible with the pointed-to type, the behavior is undefined.

So writing my_noargs_function2 invokes undefined behavior in the C specification. However, C compilers for native targets produce code that works fine. Since the code works, package authors cast function pointers and move on with their lives. These casts are all over the place in the existing Python ecosystem.

Function pointer casts don’t work in WebAssembly#

In x86, making a dynamic call (in other words, calling a function pointer) is the same process as making a static call. Arguments and a return address are pushed onto a stack, and a jump is performed. The only difference is that in the case of a static function call, the target of the jump is known at compile time, whereas in the case of a dynamic call, it is determined by a variable.

In WebAssembly, there are two distinct instructions call for static calls and call_indirect for dynamic calls. The call_indirect instruction takes a compile-time determined argument (an immediate) that indicates the expected signature of the function pointer being called. Before actually executing the call, the WebAssembly runtime checks that the signature of the function pointer matches the asserted signature and if it doesn’t it throws an error.

So we call my_noargs_function2 through a call_indirect instruction which asserts that it takes two arguments. The WebAssembly runtime checks and sees that in fact, my_noargs_function2 only expects one argument, and it crashes with an “indirect call signature mismatch” error.

Ways to fix the call signature mismatch errors#


The Emscripten compiler comes with a flag that makes it emulate function pointer casting. This is what we have been using to resolve the troubles. However, it comes with a high cost: it is slow, it uses up large amounts of stack space, and it increases code size by a lot. Also, it makes calling a function pointer from Javascript inconvenient, and in particular breaks dynamic linking and many Emscripten ports which implement C libraries with Javascript code. In upstream Emscripten, EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS doesn’t work with dynamic linking at all. It was only due to complicated patches contributed by Joe Marshall that we were able to use it.

I will describe later how EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS works and why it imposes such large costs.

2. Just patch the packages#

We could just go through and patch the Python C packages to fix their function declarations. However, there is no easy way to detect these function pointer casts (there’s no compiler setting that can generate warnings about them). It is also tedious to locate the problematic code. The packages are generally happy to accept these patches but it takes time to review them. Without any automated tool to detect the problem, there are likely to be regressions. Overall, this solution would generate too large a maintenance burden for us to handle.

3. Automate the patching#

We can write code to analyze the clang abstract syntax tree, locate the bad pointer casts, and either automatically rewrite the source or raise an error if the problem is too hard to fix. The idea here is that we scan the AST for declarations that look like:

PyMethodDef my_method_def = {
    "my_method", // the name
    (PyCFunction)my_method, // The C function pointer
    METH_NOARGS, // the calling convention

where my_method has a number of arguments different than 2. Then we locate the definition of my_method:

static PyObject*
my_method(PyObject* self){
    // ...

and we patch in a second argument:

static PyObject*
my_method(PyObject* self, PyObject *_ignored){
    // ...

We also must patch each spot where my_method is called to add a second NULL argument. We fix a handful of other common problematic declarations as well. If the problem spans multiple files or occurs inside of a macro expansion then we just raise an error indicating the problem location and someone can manually patch the source.

I have mostly-working code to do this, but there are a lot of weird edge cases to take into account and the code is complex.

4. Trampolines#

When calling from Javascript into WebAssembly, the calls behave like Javascript function calls: if we give the wrong number of arguments, it works anyways. Excess arguments are ignored and missing arguments are filled in with 0. The bad function calls only occur at a small number of call sites, so if we patch in a trampoline at each of these call sites that calls a Javascript function that calls back into WebAssembly, we can fix the problems. This is the solution we are currently using.

Explicitly, we make a trampoline:

// EM_JS is a C macro which lets us declare a Javascript function
// which we can invoke from C.
method_call_trampoline, (
    PyCFunction func, // In Javascript, all arguments are Numbers.
    PyObject *self, 
    PyObject *args, 
    PyObject *kwargs
), {
    // function pointers are indexes into `wasmTable`.
    // look up the function we are supposed to call and then call it.    
    // We're calling from Javascript, so if the function actually takes three
    // arguments or only one, in any case this call won't crash
    return wasmTable.get(func)(self, args, kwargs);

Then Python would actually call a METH_NOARGS function, the line of code originally looks like this:

PyObject *result = meth(args[0], NULL);

We replace it with:

PyObject *result = method_call_trampoline(meth, args[0], NULL, NULL);

and this won’t crash if meth expects a number of arguments different than two.

Similarly, the interpreter normally calls a function which supports VARARGS and KEYWORD_ARGS as follows:

PyObject *result = meth(args[0], argstuple, kwdict);

we replace this with:

PyObject *result = method_call_trampoline(meth, args[0], argstuple, kwdict);

5. Better compiler support for function pointer casts#

Another possible solution is fixing the drawbacks with the compiler-supported EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS. Our currently-implemented solution 4 of using trampolines requires there to be a limited number of call sites, so that the patch is manageable. In other code bases, that could fail to be the case. Compiler-generated function pointer cast emulation could be faster and more flexible.

Better compiler support for function pointer casts using an LLVM pass#

It is possible to LLVM pass to implement compiler-generated function pointer cast emulation in a way that has a negligible impact on speed, stack usage, and code size. The solution will also impose no surprising difficulties for calls from Javascript into WebAssembly or for dynamic linking. It does change the ABI so it requires the linked modules to be aware of this different ABI. We also assume that (1) most function pointers are called with the correct signature most of the time and (2) only a small number of types of function are cast into the wrong signature and called. Both of these assumptions are met in Python.


Emscripten implements EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS in a Binaryen pass. Binaryen is an optimizer for completely linked WebAssembly modules. The way that EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS works is that Binaryen walks through the wasmTable which is used to make indirect calls and replaces each function with an adaptor which expects a fixed, much larger number of arguments. The argument list can be padded with zeroes at the end to ensure that it is always called with the same number of arguments.

So if f is a function:

int f(float x, int y);

Then the EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS pass replaces a call res = f(x,y) with:

uint_64 temp = f_adaptor(
    0, ..., 0 // 59 zeros
res = ConvertUint64ToInt32(temp);

and f_adaptor looks like:

uint_64 f_adaptor(uint_64 x1, ..., uint_64 x61){ 
    // Ignore x3, ..., x61 they are just there to keep us safe from being called
    // with too many arguments
    int res = f(ConvertU64ToFloat32(x1), ConvertU64ToInt32(x2));
    return ConvertInt32ToUint64(res);

The number 61 is the maximum number of arguments any function pointer is ever called with anywhere in any of the Python ecosystem code (probably this happens in blas or lapack).

This explains the drawbacks:

  1. It takes up a lot of stack space because for every function pointer call we have to call an extra adaptor which uses up ~ 8*61 = 488 bytes of stack space.

  2. It’s slow because a lot of time is spent converting between uint_64 and other data types.

  3. It increases code size because every single function needs a corresponding adaptor function.

  4. It messes up calling from Javascript because when we do a function table lookup we get the weird function which expects to receive 61 uint_64s rather than the original arguments.

To fix calls from Javascript, we have to make a second table which maps from f_adaptor_index to f_index, and then instead of wasmTable.get(func_ptr) we say wasmTable.get(adaptorToOrigFunctionMap.get(func_ptr)). All Javascript code that calls into WebAssembly has to be adjusted in this way. When we used EMULATE_FUNCTION_POINTER_CASTS we always got errors due to confusion between pointers to the adaptors and the normal function pointers.

How to do better#

We make a list of function signatures that somewhere get cast and called with the wrong arguments. This might look like:

  1. (void) -> i32
  2. (i32) -> i32
  3. (i32, i32) -> i32

Then when we take a function pointer, if its signature is on the list, we encode the signature into the higher bits of the function pointer:

int f_ptr = f;
f_ptr |= (signature(f) << FP_SIG_OFFSET);

so if f had type PyObject* f(PyObject*, PyObject*) we would put a 3 in at offset FP_SIG_OFFSET. Then when we make a dynamic call, we check if the function has the right signature:

int f_sig = FP_GET_SIG(f_ptr);
// have to mask out signature bits before trying to call the function pointer.
f_ptr = FP_GET_ACTUAL_PTR(f_ptr); 
if(f_sig == expected_sig){
    res = f_ptr(x, y);
} else if(f_sig == FP_SIG_UNKNOWN){
    // We're gonna crash here =(
    // TODO: can we log anything helpful?
    res = f_ptr(x, y);
} else {    
    // Call an appropriate trampoline which converts from the signature we have to
    // the signature we need
    res = trampolines[expected_sig][f_sig](x, y);

This is much better:

  1. For the typical case where we call the function with the right number of arguments, there is almost no cost (branch prediction should guess this case).

  2. The effect on code size is much milder because we only need to include a few trampolines. Careful consideration shows that we don’t actually need a different trampoline for each pair of signatures, in practice it could be linear in the number of signatures we need casting support for.

  3. For function pointers with a signature not in the casting support list, we won’t generate any of this code.

  4. Calling code needs to know to mask out the signature bits before calling a function pointer, but this is all it needs to know.

This strategy cannot be implemented as a Binaryen pass, because it is impossible to tell when a function pointer is being taken in Binaryen. However, in llvm bytecode there is a dedicated instruction for taking a function pointer and we can visit these instructions in an llvm pass and add extra instructions to set the signature bits.


Function pointer casting is unusual in most code bases but quite common in Python code. Because function pointer casting works in native code but crashes in WebAssembly, we need to find some way to handle it. In general, a lot of the work of porting software deals with fixing small incompatibilities that break the code when used in a new environment.

There are many different possible approaches to handling function pointer casts. I would group them into three main categories: patch the packages (i.e., patch the functions we are calling), patch the Python interpreter (i.e., patch the call sites), or patch the compiler. In our case patching the call sites with Javascript trampolines was the best approach. Patching the compiler is the most general approach, but the existing solution that Emscripten offers has very serious drawbacks. In future work, we may implement a better compiler-based solution using custom llvm passes to store extra signature data in function pointers.

Pyodide runs into similar function signature problems at link time: for example, we have a hard time building scipy because it defines functions with a return value of int but then links them with other files that declare them as returning void. This forces us to write complicated patches which are difficult to maintain. Using llvm passes or other compiler-based solutions to solve some of these problems would allow us to reduce the number of patches which should make it easier to keep up with updates.

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