Huawei’s first clamshell foldable looks like an extra luxurious Samsung Galaxy Z...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/huaweis-clamshell-foldable-leaked-extra-luxurious-samsung-galaxy-z-flip3/
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Huawei’s first clamshell foldable looks like an extra luxurious Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3

By Manuel Vonau

Published 10 hours ago

A circular display below the camera bump makes it easy to take high-quality selfies

Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China

Huawei may no longer be relevant in the phone market due to US sanctions, but the company is trying hard to stay in the conversation by showing off its impressive research & development feats. The company recently confirmed that it’s going to launch its first Galaxy Z Flip-style clamshell foldable on December 23, and now, the first few images courtesy of fashion outlet Harper’s Bazaar China (via Android Authority).

Huawei P50 Pocket leak Weibo 5 Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China

If the images are anything to judge by, the P50 Pocket should look rather luxurious, with at least one variation available in gold. An overly complicated wave pattern decorates the exterior of the folded clamshell, but what truly stands out is the circular quad camera bump with an identically shaped display right beneath it. Other than showing the current time and date and (presumably) notifications, it will allow owners to take selfies using the main cameras, as demonstrated by the marketing photos. Judging from the image above showing the folded phone, the fingerprint scanner will live inside the power button.

Image Gallery (4 Images)
Huawei P50 Pocket leak Weibo 8 Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China
Huawei P50 Pocket leak Weibo 3 Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China
Huawei P50 Pocket leak Weibo 4 Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China
Huawei P50 Pocket leak Weibo 6 Credit: Harper’s Bazaar China

Previous teasers pointed to a white version that would appear to have a much less obnoxious grid pattern design on the outside, so it’s possible that the gold variant is going to be a more expensive special edition. That would be right in line with the fact that the images are coming courtesy of a fashion outlet that may have collaborated with Huawei on the design.

We don’t have any details on hardware specifications and pricing just yet, but the phone is expected to launch with either the Kirin 9000 or the Snapdragon 888, if Huawei can still get a hold on these without issues. It’s unlikely that the P50 Pocket will launch outside of China, but it seems like it will still be an interesting technological marvel to behold, if only from afar.

About The Author


Manuel Vonau (1534 Articles Published)

Manuel is a tech enthusiast and Android fan based in Berlin. When he's not writing articles for Android Police, he's probably out and about as a videographer.

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