How to set up SAP AppGyver in your Business Technology Platform Subaccount

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/12/16/how-to-set-up-appgyver-in-your-business-technology-platform-subaccount/
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December 16, 2021 3 minute read

How to set up SAP AppGyver in your Business Technology Platform Subaccount

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This blog post will teach you how to set up AppGyver in your existing SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) Subaccount. You can choose between a free plan and the standard plan during setup.
To try out SAP AppGyver, it is enough to activate the free plan.

You don’t have an SAP BTP account yet and want to try the free trial? Then use this link to get started:

Set up your Business Technology Platform Account

SAP AppGyver is a service within the SAP Business Technology Platform. With SAP AppGyver you have a no-code platform that allows you to build your apps without writing a single line of code.


SAP AppGyver

To activate SAP AppGyver within your existing subaccount, we need to go through the following steps:

  1. Make sure Cloud Foundry is enabled in your subaccount
  2. Add the SAP AppGyver Entitlements and Service
  3. Create a Role Collection for SAP AppGyver
  4. Create your SAP AppGyver Bookmark

1. Make sure Cloud Foundry is enabled in your subaccount

Within your subaccount on the Overview page is the Cloud Foundry Environment tab. If Cloud Foundry is enabled, you will find API Endpoint details as well as the option to disable Cloud Foundry. If you don’t see any details here, activate Cloud Foundry by clicking on the activate Cloud Foundry button.

2. Add the AppGyver Entitelments and Service

On the subaccount level, click on Entitlements on the left side and add the SAP AppGyver service via Configure Entitlements. Here you can select the individual plans that will be available later when creating the service.


Set SAP AppGyver Entitelments

Add your selected Services.


Search for SAP AppGyver and add the services

After you have set the Entitlements, you have to activate the service. To do this, click on the Service Marketplace tab on the left and search for SAP AppGyver. Click on the service to see details and click on Create to configure the service for the subaccount. Select the plan that suits you (free or standard) and click create. If you can’t see one of the two plans here, it’s possible that the Entitlements are not set correctly.


Create the SAP AppGyver Service for your subaccount

SAP AppGyver is now successfully activated as a service within the subaccount and is just waiting for your first project.

3. Create a Role Collection for SAP AppGyver

Now you want to start right away, but you get the message: SAP AppGyver – Access denied.


SAP AppGyver – Access Denied Error

This is because you have not yet given your user the necessary roles.

Creating a role collection allows you to organize the different roles in your organization. Click on Role Collections on the left side. In our case, we create a role collection for admin users. Here, you can also create additional role collections for developers.

Add the following roles (for admin access) to your Admin Role Collection:



For your Developer Role Collection, the following roles are suitable:




Add Role Collection

After successfully creating your Role Collections, you have to add yourself as a user. You can add your respective users within your created Role Collection via the ID.

Now you can use SAP AppGyver and realize your first projects!

If you still get an Access Denied error message, even though you have created the roles and assigned them to your user, it makes sense to reload the page and delete the cookies or access SAP AppGyver via the incognito mode.

4. Create your SAP AppGyver Bookmark

Now that you have access to SAP AppGyver, of course, you want to be able to access it quickly. The easiest way to do this is via a bookmark. Navigate to Instances and Subscriptions in your subaccount and you will find SAP AppGyver under the Subscriptions tab. Open the app and create a bookmark.

Now you can use SAP AppGyver and realize your first projects!

Here you can find more tutorials on SAP AppGyver to get started.

Do you have additional questions regarding SAP AppGyver?
Feel free to ask your SAP AppGyver questions to the SAP Community

Have fun developing!

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