An introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2021/12/an-introduction-to-the-cloud-adoption-framework-ready-methodology/
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Written by Thomas Maurer• December 14, 2021• 9:49 am• Microsoft Azure, Speaking, Thomas Maurer

An introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology

HomeMicrosoft Azure, Speaking, Thomas MaurerAn introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology

Last week I announced that I became the host of the Azure Enablement show Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure part and shared the video with an introduction into the Manage methodology. This week in our latest episode of the Azure Enablement show you can learn about Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology, and how you can get your environment ready using Azure Landing Zones.

Successful cloud adoption is built on the strong foundations of the Cloud Adoption Framework Ready methodology. In this episode, Thomas Maurer and Dom Allen discuss how the Ready methodology can help you on your cloud journey.

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:30 How does the Ready methodology fit within the Cloud Adoption Framework
  • 01:02 How do the Ready methodology and Azure Landing Zones help customers?
  • 01:25 What are some of the features of Azure Landing Zones?
  • 02:10 How do Azure Landing Zones address the challenges that customers face in building cloud architectures?
  • 02:56 How does Ready assist customers who are at different points of their cloud journey?
  • 04:20 How are customers using the Ready methodology to be successful?
  • 05:10 Is there guidance for organizations that are using hybrid or multicloud environments?
  • 05:50 Where should customers go next?
  • 06:50 What additional resources are available for the Ready methodology and Azure Landing Zones?


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Tags: Azure, CAF, Cloud, Cloud Adoption Framework, methodology, Microsoft, Microsoft Azure, Ready

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