Rust Oslo @ Rebel w/Carol (Nichols || Goulding)

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.meetup.com/Rust-Oslo/events/281877640/
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Hey, peeps! 🙋 We've got another Manning session for you. This time, it's Carol (Nichols || Goulding), co-author of Rust in Motion and The Rust Programming Language (a.k.a. The Book)!

Agenda (times are approximate and subject to change):
- 18:00: doors open
- 18:30–19:00: "Borrowing and Lifetimes through Metaphors" by Carol
- 19:00 onwards: Q&A on lifetimes

Carol encourages everyone to bring questions or code that they'd like to discuss! So if you have any questions, you can either submit them ahead of time (such as via a comment here, for instance), or bring them to the event.


About Carol's talk:

Borrowing and lifetimes are concepts in Rust that you don't often encounter in other languages. It's very common for people to read explanations of borrowing and lifetimes but the concepts just don't click. This talk will explore a variety of ways to think about borrowing and lifetimes as everyday situations to help you reason about your code. Please bring your questions and your worst lifetime compiler errors and we'll figure them out!

About Carol:

Carol is a co-author of The Rust Programming Language book and the Rust in Motion video series. She's a co-founder of Integer 32, LLC, the world’s first Rust-focused software consultancy. She's an active member of the Crates.io Team and a former member of the Rust Core Team. She has an amazing 3-and-a-half year old, Vivian, and she wishes the pandemic would end already so that she can go back to connecting people to each other through in-person conferences.


About the event:

- Rebel's doors will be locked when you get there. We'll let people in as they arrive, but if you get here after the talks start or if you otherwise need help to get in, send us a message.

- Carol will join us from the US via a video chat platform.

- The room holds a maximum 50 people, so please make sure to reserve your spot (by RSVP-ing) and to change your response if you can't go after all.

- Rebel has a bar and places to eat; let's go there after!

Any questions? Just reach out!

See you there! 👋

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