What does it take to get a new tag accepted?

 2 years ago
source link: https://lobste.rs/s/ugprwi/what_does_it_take_get_new_tag_accepted
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What does it take to get a new tag accepted?

This post is in response to the proposal to add “nix” as a tag: https://lobste.rs/s/bv2nje/tag_suggestion_nix. That post was highly upvoted and many people have expressed interest to have the tag – from both sides.

However, there was absolutely no response from moderators nor pushcx. That leaves us in a state of limbo: will we get this tag, or not? If not, why not?

To repeat the question I had on the topic: given that there were several other submissions for this tag and all had quite a lot of interest: what should have we done better? What was/is missing to get this tag (or any other tag)? Should more people vote? Should the proposal include something more? Please help us learn :)

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