Science Friday: Black Holes | Class Central Cohorts

 2 years ago
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Science Friday: Black Holes

https%3A%2F%2Fwww.classcentral.com%2Fimages%2Flogos%2Finstitutions%2Fualberta-sq.png?auto=format&h=50&ixlib=php-3.3.0&s=6d8d25b78c7f637de2ecdc0c296a1cf8 University of Alberta

Black holes are fascinating and intriguing astronomical objects that capture our imagination. Astro 101, from University of Alberta, teaches us concepts such as astronomy, relativity, quantum physics, and much more.

with @Mervyn

Starts Jan 03, 2022
Science Friday: Black Holes

Cohort Details

  • Jan 03, 2022 – Feb 04, 2022
  • 3-5 hours a week
  • Weekly live sessions

Course Details

As a part of Science Fridays, we're going to be taking the online course Astro 101: Black Holes, offered by the University of Alberta on Coursera. Together, we’ll explore the concepts behind black holes, learn the basic ideas of astronomy, relativity, and quantum physics. If you liked the movie Interstellar (2014), you will certainly enjoy this course.

Previously, we studied History of Science from Hank Green and Dinosaur Paleobiology from University of Alberta. Now we look towards the sky... for answers! For the duration of the Cohort, we will be meeting every Friday for an hour long friendly Zoom session.

This is part of an ongoing series where we meet every Friday to talk about science. This eclectic group consists of knowledgeable learners from around the world who have done hundreds of courses. So, you don’t just learn from the course but from other learners as well.

Meet your group coordinator

Mervyn Medidi


Mervyn, a Mechatronics Eng from Manipal Institute of Technology, lives in a town called Bhimavaram in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. He’s passionate about dinosaurs and the intricacies of the universe.

Schedule Jan 03, 2022 – Feb 04, 2022

  1. Week 1

    Monday, Jan 03 – Sunday, Jan 09

    1. 1.1 Introduction to Black Holes
    2. 1.2 Life and Death of a Star
  2. Week 2

    Monday, Jan 10 – Sunday, Jan 16

    1. 2.1 The Structure of Spacetime
    2. 2.2 Sizing Up Black Holes
  3. Week 3

    Monday, Jan 17 – Sunday, Jan 23

    1. 3.1 Approaching a Black Hole
    2. 3.2 Crossing the Event Horizon
  4. Week 4

    Monday, Jan 24 – Sunday, Jan 30

    1. 4.1 Inside a Black Hole
    2. 4.2 Hunting for Black Holes
  5. Week 5

    Monday, Jan 31 – Friday, Feb 04

    1. 5.1 Our Eyes in the Skies
    2. 5.2 Riding the Gravity Wave
Starts Jan 03, 2022

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