Cultural Intelligence | Class Central Cohorts

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.classcentral.com/cohorts/cultural-intelligence-spring-2022
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Class Central Cohorts

Cultural Intelligence

https%3A%2F%2Fwww.classcentral.com%2Fimages%2Flogos%2Finstitutions%2Fmacquarie-sq.png?auto=format&h=50&ixlib=php-3.3.0&s=9fe86b3af13486714b01140f2f626379 Macquarie University

Learn how to work better with culturally diverse people in this global and interconnected world. Cohort led by work and organizational psychologist Simon Büschges (M.Sc.).

with @simonb

Starts Jan 17, 2022
Cultural Intelligence

Cohort Details

  • Jan 17, 2022 – Feb 04, 2022
  • 3-5 hours a week
  • Weekly live sessions

Course Details

We now live in a truly global, interconnected world. It’s very likely that you work with customers from different countries or have colleagues with different cultural backgrounds. In a diverse work environment, successful employees and leaders must understand the cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and attitudes of the people around them – or run the risk of failing to achieve their organisation’s and their personal goals. Watch any older HSBC ad to get great examples of why cultural intelligence is important. This course, which is part of the Global MBA by Macquarie University, uses structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, industry interviews, and written assessments) to teach you about ‘cultural intelligence’ – specifically how spotting cultural differences and adapting their behaviour accordingly makes employees and leaders effective. You’ll develop cultural intelligence and sensitivity – key future-focused capabilities required of every leader. 

Meet your group coordinator

Simon Büschges


Simon loves working and learning in culturally diverse groups. Originally from Germany, he has lived in the U.S. during his childhood and completed a master’s in Work & Organizational Psychology in the Netherlands. Currently, Simon studies at Peking University in China while working in HR for an international consultancy.

Schedule Jan 17, 2022 – Feb 04, 2022

  1. Week 1

    Monday, Jan 17 – Sunday, Jan 23

    1. 1.1 Globalisation of people
    2. 1.2 Affinities and diversities
  2. Week 2

    Monday, Jan 24 – Sunday, Jan 30

    1. 2.1 Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Improving self
    2. 2.2 Applying and leveraging CQ: Leading others
  3. Week 3

    Monday, Jan 31 – Friday, Feb 04

    1. 3.1 Global citizenship challenges
    2. 3.2 Global mindset and competence: Becoming a Global Citizen
Starts Jan 17, 2022

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