The only thing less believable than Hawkeye getting his own show is that everyon...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/the-only-thing-less-believable-than-hawkeye-getting-his-own-show-is-that-everyone-uses-a-pixel-phone/
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The only thing less believable than Hawkeye getting his own show is that everyone uses a Pixel phone

By Daniel Allen

Published 7 hours ago

Who's still carrying their Pixel 3?

Smartphone product placement is tricky business. On the one hand, shows and movies often need every dollar they can get to finance their projects. On the other hand, placement done wrong can be way too in your face, or just so poorly conceived as to be distracting. Hawkeye, the new Marvel series on Disney+, may be laying things on a little thick, as it seems to take place in a world where not just everyone's using a Google phone, but they haven't upgraded since 2019.

As we learned in Avengers: Endgame, Clint Barton (a.k.a. Hawkeye) is a Pixel user — a Pixel 3 to be precise. Even though two years have passed since the effects of Thanos’s snap have been reversed, family man Clint Barton and his wife are still using the same model, although his son Cooper is using an Oh So Orange Pixel 4 (spotted by 9to5Google).

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Meanwhile, Hawkeye’s understudy and replacement — Kate Bishop — is using a Just Black Pixel 4 with a custom OS. Her mother Eleanor can be spotted with a Pixel 4 in a first-party Sorta Smokey fabric case.

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Although we haven't seen any official confirmation, it’s probably safe to assume this is another sponsored partnership similar to the one for Avengers: Endgame. For Marvel and Hawkeye fans, the first two episodes are streaming on Disney+ now.

Disney+ Developer: Disney
Price: Free

About The Author


Daniel Allen (19 Articles Published)

Daniel covers Android and tech news. He's been writing for over 20 years in newspapers, magazines, and websites. He's always on the lookout for what's new and cutting edge.

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