My favorite budget wireless earbuds are down to just $89 for Black Friday

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/my-favorite-budget-earbuds-are-just-89-for-black-friday/
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My favorite budget wireless earbuds are down to just $89 for Black Friday

By Daniel Bader

Published 9 hours ago

Soundcore's Liberty Air 2 Pros are a must-buy

I'm one of those people who wears wireless earbuds almost every minute of the day — listening to music while working at my desk; a podcast while doing dishes; or a phone call while out for a brisk walk. As a self-proclaimed audiophile with a wired headphone collection to match, cheap and comfortable wireless earbuds have become the compromise that allows me to stay connected all day without necessarily feeling like there's something lodged in my ear canal.

Enter the Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro. These Anker-made wireless earbuds were a revelation when they debuted for $130 at the end of 2020, and now they're discounted to $89 for Black Friday 2021. These AirPods-style earbuds are massive improvements over the original Liberty Airs, with higher-quality sound, active noise cancellation, longer battery life (I get about 5-7 hours per charge depending on whether ANC is on), and far better call quality thanks to an extra microphone on each base.


While these earbuds have dropped to $90 before on Prime Day, if you're looking for a reason to upgrade to a new pair of budget wireless earbuds, you really have no excuse not to.

$89 at Anker (use code WS24HS12HQ) If you're looking for something a bit more room-filling than the Liberty Air 2 Pros, Soundcore's excellent Motion+ Bluetooth speaker is also discounted for Black Friday — $21 off its regular price of $106, bringing it down to $85. It's one of the few Bluetooth speakers optimized for Android phones, with support for Qualcomm's aptX codec. It's also fully IPX7 waterproof and has a 12-hour battery life.

$85 at Anker (use code WS7DQ8CHFP)

About The Author


Daniel Bader (9 Articles Published)

Daniel is the Editor-in-Chief of Android Police.

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