Searching for a Job with Laurie Barth on Web Rush #161

 2 years ago
source link: https://johnpapa.net/searching-for-a-job-with-laurie-barth-on-web-rush-161/
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Searching for a Job with Laurie Barth on Web Rush #161

Laurie Barth joins us to talk about her experience of looking for and applying for a job. What it's like in 2021 to search for a job? How do you know when to say you don't know? How do you figure out if you're a good fit for a job? And should employers care about education?

Direct link to the episode.

const podcast = { 
  episode: 161,
  title: 'Searching for a Job',
  topics: [ 
    'employment', 'hiring', 'job search'
  guest: 'Laurie Barth'
  hosts: [
    'John Papa', 'Ward Bell', 'Craig Shoemaker'

Recording date: Nov 11, 2021

John Papa @John_Papa

Ward Bell @WardBell

Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin

Craig Shoemaker @craigshoemaker

Laurie Barth @LaurieOnTech

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# Timejumps

  • 01:27 Our first jobs
  • 03:27 Guest introduction
  • 06:32 What is it like to search for a job?
  • 08:16 Sponsor: Ag Grid
  • 09:21 Is it a good idea to look around at job options?
  • 13:39 Everyone makes mistakes
  • 17:17 Elon Musks interview process
  • 21:47 Are open ended questions good to ask in interviews?
  • 26:18 It really depends on where in your career you are
  • 30:31 How do you know when to say you don't know?
  • 32:39 Sponsor: IdeaBlade
  • 33:37 Getting a job at Netflix
  • 37:22 How do you figure out if you're a good fit
  • 41:03 Don't ask "why you quit your last job?"
  • 43:03 Should we care about education level?
  • 44:43 Final thoughts

Podcast editing on this episode done by Chris Enns of Lemon Productions.

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