'World's fastest' all-electric plane and other tech news

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-59432408
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'World's fastest' all-electric plane and other tech news

'World's fastest' all-electric plane and other tech news

LJ Rich looks at the best of the week's technology news stories including:

  • Apple sues spyware firm NSO Group and its parent company for allegedly targeting iPhone users with a hacking tool. NSO Group says its tools were made to target terrorists and criminals
  • Rolls-Royce waits for confirmation that its Spirit of Innovation craft is the world’s fastest all-electric plane
  • Nasa launches a spacecraft to smash into an asteroid with the aim of finding out how much it could alter its speed and direction

See more at Click's website and @BBCClick

Published9 minutes ago
SectionBBC News

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