China asks Alibaba and Baidu's cloud units to better prevent telecom fraud - Pin...

 2 years ago
source link: https://en.pingwest.com/w/9563
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China asks Alibaba and Baidu's cloud units to better prevent telecom fraud

China asks Alibaba and Baidu's cloud units to better prevent telecom fraud

November 24, 2021 2:54 am

China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said on Tuesday that it has convened Alibaba Cloud and Baidu Cloud together with the Ministry of Public Security, urging the two companies to better prevent telecom network fraud.

On Weibo, a Twitter-like service, MIIT pointed out that the two cloud platforms were found to allow access to fraudulent websites, and emphasized that they should take the responsibility of complying with China's cybersecurity law and rectify related issues within the specified time. .

The two companies both said they would strengthen management of website links, domain name registration and information services to fend off the risk of cyber fraud.

In the next step, the MIIT will work with the Ministry of Public Security, guiding and urging internet firms to strictly carry out their safety responsibilities, strengthen the management of internet resources, and prevent fraud.

Regulators will also scale up the scope of industry supervision and the level of punishment, taking multiple measures to facilitate work involving telecom fraud to better protect users’ rights.

China is speeding up efforts to curb telecom and internet fraud, and plans to introduce laws, establish a comprehensive monitoring and detection system for illegal activities, and implement more severe penalties.


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