cheating in codeforces round #756(div 3)

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/97248
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By benif179, history, 30 minutes ago,

I saw many people having same codes,even variable names are same in their solutions.

some of the links are https://codeforces.com/contest/1611/submission/136899018


these two people even have their code of 2nd problem exactly same and they submitted at almost same time.

some people are doing amzing thing to save them from plagiarism.


there are many telegram channel which are selling solutions.

/predownloaded/8f/35/8f356fbf23f32545200c27a537bc6c3be1ae2b40.jpeg this channel is regularly providing paid solutions. please take some actions.

due to these kind of people,many people start to cheat in contest in hope to get good ratings. they are just spoiling the platform.

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