Upcoming Talk on Agile Methodologies in Data Analytics by Dr. Michael Schrapp of...

 2 years ago
source link: https://dirkriehle.com/2021/11/25/upcoming-talk-on-agile-methodologies-in-data-analytics-by-dr-michael-schrapp-of-siemens-healthineers/
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Upcoming Talk on Agile Methodologies in Data Analytics by Dr. Michael Schrapp of Siemens Healthineers

We will be hosting an industry talk on “Agile Methodologies in Data Analytics”. The talk is free and open to the public.

  • by: Dr. Michael Schrapp of Siemens Healthineers
  • about: Agile Methodologies in Data Analytics
  • on: December 16th, 2021, 10:15 Uhr
  • on: Zoom  (link after registration)
  • as part of: AMOS speaker series


Agile methods like Scrum, Kanban or scaled agile frameworks play a crucial role in software development since decades. In data science or data analytics in general, these methods are utilized as well; however, specific challenges occur compared to classical software development. Data availability, data quality, etc. must be considered and AI-driven model development is typically associated with high risk. In this talk we will discuss several aspects of agile software development in the context of data-driven products. When it comes to data analytics & data science, the main task is extracting useful information out of raw data, using machine learning models and implementing operative products. We will also cover some additional challenges from the healthcare industry, e.g., General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Dr. Michael Schrapp holds a PhD in physics from the Technical University of Munich (2015) and joined Siemens Corporate Technology as Freelancer in 2012 and as Research Project Manager and Senior Key Expert in 2015. In 2017, he transitioned to Siemens Healthineers as Head of Business Data Analytics focusing on data driven services and Business Intelligence solutions using agile methodologies. Since 2020, he works in the Customer Services division of Siemens Healthineers and is responsible for agile development of advanced analytical service offerings.

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