Sea of Thieves Feast of Bounty event underway through Nov. 29

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2021/11/22/sea-of-thieves-feast-of-bounty-event-underway-through-nov-29/
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PC gaming
November 22, 2021

Sea of Thieves Feast of Bounty event underway through Nov. 29

Ahoy Sea of Thieves fans: In this time of year for giving thanks, come together with your fellow pirates for the Feast of Bounty, a cornucopia of activities first to prepare for the feast, then to celebrate it heartily.

The Preparation phase began Nov. 22, with pirates completing challenges such as cooking meat and collecting the Feast of Bounty Flag to ready themselves for the upcoming revelry. Then it’ll be time to party, with the Celebration phase kicking off Nov. 25 and running until Nov. 29, with a new set of challenges to help all pirates enjoy the feast as much as possible.

Head over to SeaOfThieves.com for the details and to get started.

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