GitHub - tldraw/tldraw: A tiny little drawing app.

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw
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Welcome to the tldraw monorepo. Here you'll find the source code for @tldraw/tldraw, @tldraw/core, and the tldraw.com website.

raised_hands Questions? Join the Discord channel or start a discussion.

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Thanks to our corporate sponsors:

...and to our individual sponsors!


This repository is a monorepo containing two packages:

  • packages/tldraw contains the source for the @tldraw/tldraw package. This is an editor as a React component named <Tldraw>. You can use this package to embed the tldraw editor in any React application.
  • packages/core contains the source for the @tldraw/core package. This is a renderer for React components in a canvas-style UI. It is used by @tldraw/tldraw as well as several other projects.

...and three apps:

...and three examples:


Want to connect? Visit the Discord channel.


Interested in contributing? See the contributing guide.


Need help? Please open an issue for support.


This project is licensed under MIT.

If you're using the library in a commercial product, please consider becoming a sponsor.


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