An Insider View of Mesh: Microsoft's Entry Into Mixed Reality Applications

 2 years ago
source link: https://hackernoon.com/an-insider-view-of-mesh-microsofts-entry-into-mixed-reality-applications
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An Insider View of Mesh: Microsoft's Entry Into Mixed Reality Applications
Adora Nwodo is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. She is also a Published Author, Tech Content Creator and Community Leader. She has been nominated for a 2021 Noonies award for the Developer Defying Patriarchy (While Being an Awesome Developer) category. I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is the metaverse and blockchain tech because companies building on top of these technologies are making tech more interesting for creators. Learn more about my thoughts and opinions on tech and my journey in the tech industry.

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Adora Nwodo

Software Engineer šŸ‘©šŸ½ā€šŸ’» ā— Published Author āœšŸ½ ā— Tech Content Creator šŸ“¹

Hey Hackers! Iā€™m Adora Nwodo and Iā€™m a Software Engineer at Microsoft šŸ‘©šŸ½ā€šŸ’». Iā€™m also a Published Author, Tech Content Creator and Community Leader.

First of all, a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community and staff for nominating me for a 2021 Noonies award! Iā€™ve been nominated in the following categories please do check out these award pages and vote:

  1. Developer Defying Patriarchy (While Being an Awesome Developer)

As a someone in the Mixed Reality and Cloud industry, I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is the metaverse and blockchain tech because companies building on top of these technologies are making tech more interesting for creators and I believe there is a HUGE market there. Learn more about my thoughts and opinions on tech and my journey in the tech industry via the interview below.

1. What do you do and why do you do it?

I am a Software Engineer currently building Mixed Reality šŸ„½ on the Cloud ā˜ļø. I currently work in the team building Microsoft Mesh. I am also a Published Author and a Tech Content Creator.

When Iā€™m not doing any of these things, Iā€™m wearing multiple hats at unStackAfrica and VRARA Nigeria (these are communities I lead).

I work on Mesh for two reasons:

  • When I found out about the technology, I was intrigued and wanted to build something exciting

  • Itā€™s a relatively new space and I wanted to build something from scratch and see where this goes.

I do the other things listed as a way to contribute to the tech community so that we can all learn and grow together šŸ˜Š

2. Tell us more about the things you create / write / manage / build!

At my job, I work on Microsoft Mesh. Before joining Mesh, I was building Azure Object Anchors. During work hours, I like to build tools that help other developers all over the world create rich immersive experiences.

Donā€™t know what a Mixed Reality Experience is?

If youā€™ve ever used IKEA Place, Snapchat or Instagram filters, then youā€™ve interacted with immersive technology before!

Outside my job, I do A LOT of things!

The most recent one is that I just authored a book called ā€œCloud Engineering for Beginnersā€. The book introduces the concept of the cloud, as well as viable cloud engineering career paths, what they entail and how to navigate them āš”ļø

I also have a YouTube channel called AdoraHack where I post content on growing a tech career and my life as a Software Engineer.

I break down concepts and create explainable graphics for my instagram page too. I write. I speak. I teach. I enjoy doing all these things because I believe my ability to do this is a manifestation of my growth and how far Iā€™ve come. That gives me so much zeal to even do more.

3. How did you end up on your current career path? Do you like it?

Iā€™ve always liked computers since I was a child and I knew this was what I wanted. Because of this, I took the ā€œtraditionalā€ route into tech. Got a CS degree and then my first job out of school. My first job was an internship with an advertising agency as a Software Developer. I moved from intern to full-time employee and spent a total of 3 years working there.

I later joined Microsoft in 2019 to work on Mixed Reality and it was an intentional move. I basically wanted to work on interesting technology, saw that Microsoft was hiring and grabbed the opportunity!

I LOVE my current career path. I find it very interesting and I believe this technology will enhance the way we interact and communicate with each other.

4. What tech are you most excited or passionate about right now and why?

Iā€™m excited about crypto and what that means for exchange in the next few years. I also have a soft spot for creators (because I am one) and that makes me excited about AR and VR. I really canā€™t wait to see what me build in the metaverse and how we use this technology to interact.

5. What tech are you most worried about right now and why?

None, I guess. I know a lot of people seemed to be worried that ā€œArtificial Intelligence will take away a lot of jobsā€œ, but I have a contrary opinion.

6. If we gave you 10 million dollars to invest in something today, what would you invest in and why?

I will invest in the beauty and lifestyle industry.

šŸ§“ I donā€™t have the most flawless skin and if I wasnā€™t in tech, I would get a degree related to cosmetology so that I can make affordable skincare products for people with skin like mine. Since Iā€™m in tech already, itā€™s an industry Iā€™d love to invest in.

šŸŒ“ Everyone that knows me can tell that I love enjoying myself. I would definitely invest in experiences, resorts, hospitality and more.

Lastly, I would invest in Mixed Reality. I see this technology going somewhere and with top tech companies riding on the wave too, I would hope an investment like that would make me a billionaire someday šŸ˜‚

7. What are you currently learning?

Iā€™m currently learning about Azure Container Apps, so that I can spend less time in Kubernetes land šŸ˜

8. Whatā€™s the best advice youā€™ve ever given someone?

Thereā€™s now a lot of support for you if you choose to come into tech. So if youā€™re thinking about it, find a great community, join, learn at your own pace and watch yourself grow.

9. Whatā€™s the best advice youā€™ve ever received?

Always put in your best work and learn from every experience no matter the outcome.

About HackerNoonā€™s 2021 Noonie Awards

The annual Noonie Awards celebrate the best and brightest of the tech industry, bringing together all who are making the Internet and the world of tech what it is today. Please be sure to check out our award categories, nominate, and vote for the people and companies who you think are making the biggest impact on the tech industry today.

The 2021 Noonies are sponsored by: bybit, Dottech Domains, and Avast. Thank you so much to these sponsors who are helping us celebrate the accomplishments of all our nominees.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK